Day Fifteen: Dancing

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Hello everyone! This prompt is very cliche I'll admit, but I can't help myself! I love certain cliches. Anyway, this one shot is rated teen. Also I will probably go on a rant about The Greatest Showman at the end so yay! Please vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                  -Colorado


There were many things Marinette Dupain-Cheng enjoyed in life. She enjoyed gaming with her family, she enjoyed eating pastries out on her balcony, she enjoyed talking to her friends at school, she enjoyed swinging from rooftop to rooftop as Ladybug, and she enjoyed Chat Noir's company.

However, she found herself enjoying Chat's company not only as a masked heroine, but as Marinette herself. She did find his house calls a little odd, but she wasn't going to ask him to stop. She enjoyed her time spent with him as Marinette. It was different than how he treated Ladybug these days. It felt nostalgic whenever he flirted with her or called her Princess. She missed the old days. The new superheroes were great of course, but she couldn't help but want to go back to when it was just her and Chat Noir. She couldn't help it, that cat had managed to enter her heart and push every other romantic interest out.

"Marinette! Focus!" Alya snapped her out of yet another day dream about Chat Noir. Not that Alya knew that. No one knew that. No one could.

"Sorry." She apologized, glancing around at her friends.

It was Friday after school and they had all decided to go to a cafe and get some homework done before the weekend started.

"We're used to it by now, dudette, you do't have to apologize." Nino joked.

"You've been spacing off a lot, kinda reminds me of when-." Alya got cut off by Marinette clamping her hand over the girl's mouth.

"Shut it." She growled. Alya removed her best friends hand and chuckled.

"Okay, okay." She laughed. "It's still suspicious." Alya bopped Marinette on the nose. 

"You wouldn't hide some great secret from us, would you Mari?" Adrien pipped up, giving her a grin that reminded her all too much of her partner.

'If only you knew.' She thought wryly. 

"Marinette? Keeping some great secret?" Alya saved her from having to answer. "No offense girl, but you're not exactly subtle. I'd catch on if she were hiding something." She winked at the group.

"Yeah, she couldn't hide anything from us!" Nino replied. Adrien just smirked.

"I wouldn't be so sure...." He trailed off, having way too much fun teasing Marinette. "Anyway, Mari," She raised her eyebrows at him as she took a drink of her water, "what do you think of Chat Noir?"

Cue Marinette practically choking to her death. Holding her side as she coughed violently. Luckily, none of the water had gotten on their stuff and they all knew Mari would be okay. 

'Damn cat, I'm going to murder him.' Marinette had no doubt in her mind that Adrien knew, at the very least, that Chat Noir visited Marinette.

"Why do you ask?" She asked after she finally composed herself.

"Why'd you nearly die when he brought Chat up Mari?" Alya raised her eyebrows and Marinette could feel her cheeks heating up.

"I was just caught off guard." Marinette huffed. 

"You don't happen to have a soft spot of the cat? Do you?" Alya smirked as Marinette's face lit up like a Christmas tree. 

'Deny it! Deny everything!' Her brain screamed at her. If only her mouth could listen.

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now