Day Six: Homework

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I am currently starting to write this ten minutes after midnight because I actually feel motivated for once yay! I know lot's of comics and other one-shots have this prompt, but I just love the idea so freaking much. This one-shot may not be as long as the last two, but I wasn't expecting the last one to be so long, so we'll see. Anyway, this one shot is rated teen for mild swearing! If you enjoyed please vote and comment!                                                                                                    -Colorado


Marinette often found it unfair that while she was out saving the world as Ladybug, she was missing out on doing valuable things with her time that affect Marinette. Like homework for example. 

"It's just not right, Tikki!" Marinette was once again complaining about not having enough time to finish up her math homework because she was out saving the world. "If my teachers knew what I was doing instead of homework, I bet they would ease up on my workload." She huffed.

"You wouldn't actually compromise your identity to get out of homework, would you?" Tikki asked worriedly. 

"Of course not Tikki! I just wish I could be in two places at once." 

"You'd certainly get a lot more things done!" Tikki remarked.

"That's for sure. I could design while playing video games! Just imagine that!"

"Plus you could appear as both Marinette and Ladybug during akuma attacks! It'd be the perfect way to protect your identity."

"It certainly would be." Marinette agreed. "However, that technology doesn't exist right now, so I'm stuck saving the world and keeping my grades up all by myself." She frowned at the paper in front of her. She wasn't bad at math, but that didn't mean she enjoyed doing it. Her schoolwork was now cutting into her freetime due to her being Ladybug and she would much rather be designing than working on schoolwork.

'Tap, tap, tap' Great, like she needed more distractions right now.

"You there Mari?" A familiar voice said. Maybe if she ignored him, he would go away? "I can see that your light is on, Princess, but you obviously don't want to talk so I'll go."

Automatically, Marinette felt guilty, she owed him an explanation. She started to run the her bed, hoping to catch him in time, but she fell backwards on the first step. She shrieked and landed on the floor with a 'thud.'

"Oww." She groaned, rubbing her head.

"Marinette I'm coming in."  Chat Noir opened up her trapdoor and quickly rushed over to where she was on the floor. "What happened?" He asked gently.

"I was trying to come and see you before you left, but I fell on the stairs to my bed." She said blushing.

"I get that you fell for me Princess, but don't go hurting yourself." He winked and Marinette gave Chat a friendly slap on his arm.

"Meowch! What was that for?" He asked. She gave a him a look. "Alright, alright." He put his arms around her and pulled her to his lap. "Now, are you going to tell me why you didn't want to talk?" He asked gently, running his fingers through her hair softly. Marinette sighed.

"It's just-I've been super stressed lately and I've been really busy between designs and the bakery and so homework has been butting into my me-time. I know that it sounds really silly, but-"

"No,no, I get it. I have lots of programs and activities that require my attention, not to mention saving the world."

'Oh yeah! There's that too.' Marinette thought, annoyed.

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