Day Thirteen: Presents

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Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing okay. I should really be doing online school right now, but I'm not going to. Instead I'm doing this one-shot! Enjoy! This one-shot is rated teen. Vote and comment if you'd like. Thank you!                                                                                                                              -Colorado


Marinette was hunched over at her desk, sewing something together like her life depended on it. 

"Girl, what is so important that you're giving up an opportunity to go get ice cream at Andre's? Luka's going!" Alya protested over the phone.

"I've already got plans Alya." Marinette told her.

"You didn't have plans yesterday when you promised to go!" Alya exclaimed.

"I know, I know, but something came up."

"Parents need your help? We can all come over to help you!" Alya offered.

"No, no, it's nothing like that!" Marinette reassured her.

"So what is it? What's so important that you're giving up an opportunity to get sweethearts ice-cream with Luka?" 


"When you agreed to come with did you already have these plans that you just spaced?" Alya cut her off.

"No, I made them last night." Marinette said sighing.

"Last night? Girl." Alya sighed.

"I know, I know, but I couldn't say no! He had this little pout on his face." Marinette smiled to herself.

"HE?" Alya shrieked over the phone. Marinette flinched. She wasn't supposed to tell her that. "Who is it?" She demanded.

"No one important." She mumbled.

"Girl, this guy convinced you to hang out with him instead of Luka! You realize how it sounds right?" Alya warned her.

"Yeah, I know, but it's not like that!" Marinette protested.

"Uh-huh sure girl, and I'm sure that the design you're working on isn't for him?" Alya said skeptically. Marinette blushed.

"Well, it is...."

"Who's this mystery boy who's stolen your heart? Come on! I need the scoop!" Alya said excitedly.

"He hasn't stolen my heart, he's just a friend."

"You say that, yet you chose him over Luka." Alya pointed out. 

"W-well, yeah. He would be so disappointed if I told him he couldn't come, Alya! His face lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him I had no plans! The boy is a little kitten!" Marinette defended herself.

"Little....kitten?" Marinette could hear the gears turned in Alya's head.

'Crap.' She thought.

"Marinette, is the boy who's coming over, Chat Noir?" Alya asked cautiously. Marinette squeaked.

"Maybe?" She managed to get out. The line was silent. "Alya?" Marinette asked hesitantly.

"OH. MY. GOD!" She screamed from over the phone, right in her ear.

"Oww." Marinette muttered.

"Sorry, Mari, but you're hanging out with Chat Noir, like famed superhero, Ladybug's partner, Chat Noir!" Alya squealed.

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