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I burst through the door of the gym. They'd decided to move it back to the school again, something about Miss. Jenn's intuition.

"Sorry" I apologised realising that Miss. Jenn was stood in the gym talking to someone. "I didn't mean to startle you" I said noticing that she had swung round her face shocked.

"Ricky you're really early" she laughed looking at me and I couldn't help but feel guilty like I'd ruined another tradition or something?

"I know I just didn't know what to do with myself all afternoon" I replied awkwardly and she smiled knowingly and nodded along to me.

"Let me guess, opening night jitters?" Miss. Jenn asked although it sounded like she was certain of herself. I squinted as if to say no but in a nice way that didn't bruise her ego.

"Ahhh it's just... a lot" I responded, my eyes flickered towards the stage it looked so big and it was then that it dawned on me that the production was focused around me.

I was Troy Bolton.

"My moms coming tonight and I've technically never been in a musical before" I explained to Miss. Jenn who said she understood.

"At least someone's coming for you" Miss. Jenn responded biting her lip anxiously "I need to find our show a new Kelsi in like ten minutes for the exact opposite reason to yours"

I scowled and looked at Miss. Jenn my heart starting to pound. What did she mean? What had happened to Lennon?

That's when she turned around and pointed towards the door and just behind it through the glass I could see a faint image of a curled up girl.

"Let me talk to her" I said to Miss. Jenn and she outstretched her arm as if to tell me to go and so I advanced towards her.

Lennon was sat on the floor her chin resting on her knees as tears streamed down her face, she sniffled and couldn't quite catch her breath so I fell to the floor and reached out for her hands.

At first I helped her to regain her ability to breath and when she was calmer I finally asked what was going on.

"I can't do this, this stupid play" she said tears rolling down her face "I can't sing, I can't act and I can't stand people watching me fail"

"You're not going to fail" I exasperated reaching out and cupping her cheek in my palm, she nuzzled into me and smiled and then shook her head.

"I've always failed at everything. At being a daughter, at being a good student, at keeping myself well when I'm alone" she looked at me with her teeth clenched as she tried to breathe but she was going to hyperventilate again.

"Slow your breathing. Hey, everything's going to be okay" I assured and then I had an idea.

I pulled my backpack round and onto my lap and then I dove into it to retrieve a black marker.

I took the lid off with my teeth and kept it there whilst I reached out for her hand and pulled it closer towards me.

Then upon her palm I drew a familiar rectangle and dot, a door to be specific.

"Do you remember the door?" I asked Lennon and she laughed her bottom lip quivering as she nodded and tried to wipe away her tears.

"Of course, I've never not had it" she laughed and I smiled, relieved that she actually remembered and I wasn't stupid for remembering myself.

"Well have you opened it? To reach to the other side? Your happy place" I smiled and she shook her head so I handed her her hand back "so open it"

"I don't need to" she whispered looking up at me with big dazzling eyes due to the tears.

"Why?" I whispered looking at how beautiful she looked even though her eyes were a little red and her lips were plumper from her biting them.

"Because you're my happy place"

I wanted to reach out and kiss her, finally end what we had tried to start back on the tech rehearsal but there was a loud bang from in the gym and when I opened the door it was Big Red.

"Whoops sorry!" He shouted into the emptiness and I laughed.

I turned back round to Lennon but to my surprise she was gone.

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