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(Gabriella POV)

"This is my sister Gabriella!" Kitty introduces me to Tonpa, there's something fake about him. I don't like his vibe or there's something off about him.

I have to keep a sharp eye on him, I don't trust the old man.

"You guys are sisters?!" Tonpa eyes went wide, we're only half sisters.

"That was my exact thoughts." I heard Leorio whispered to Tonpa, I gave Leorio a death glare and it made him shake in fear.

"You sure have taken the exam a lot! Is there others that have try many times too?"

"Yeah for instance, that guy over there 255 Todo the wrestler! Probably the strongest here and smarter than he looks!" Tonpa pointed at chubby man sitting on the ground eating his lunch, I scrunched my face into disgust.

No wonder he still haven't passed the exam, look at him. He's a total slob!

"Over there is 103 Bourbon the the snake charmer, he can really hold a bad grudge so try not to get on his bad side."


I ain't afraid of no snakes and snakes are are completely weak against me! My body can resist any deadly poison!

Unlike Kitty her body is impossible to kill, she can't die of poison or from weapons.

"Then there's the three brothers! Amori, imori, and Umori. They work great as a team so they always do really well."

They look like three total idiots.

"And 384 Gertta, the huntsman, there are more but they've taken the exam the most times."

I heard some painful screaming, I turned around seeing a man arms were turning into flower petals falling to the ground. Who the hell did that?

That's pretty impressive.

I heard a tall clown freak speaking, so he's the one that responsible of that? Ugh never mind he looks like arrogant dumbass "Just perfect, the psychopath is back again." I shot Tonpa a confused look.

Psychopath? "You know that guy?"

"So, does that mean he tried last year?" Kurapika asked.

"Number 44, Hisoka, the magician. He was the number one pick to pass last year exam until he almost killed an examiner he didn't approve of."

So this weird freak almost killed one of the examiners because he just didn't like him?

I was right, what a dumbass.

"Anyways nobody likes the guy, I'd keep my distance if I were you." Tonpa warned us, I turned around to get another glance at the clown freak.

What the fuck! Why the hell is kitty next to the clown guy?!

Don't tell me she likes him now?

Ugh I fucking hate it when she does that! Randomly crushing on guys.

"Kitty!" I shouted and ran after her to grab her attention, and it work both of them stop walking and face towards me.

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