The myserious present

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Yes.....I'm writing the sequel to the grass and fire bender. This time it's: The grass and air bender. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did as the first. Enjoy! Shy wolf out

Let's face it, I'm a millionaire. My youtube channel has gone through the roof and I was doing interviews, gaming conventions and so on. Samir was a millionaire as well from his channel. He would join me as well as we travel round meeting fans, doing signings and much more. Phoenix flair and Dan were a little jealous, but I can't blame them. Oh! Almost forgot to say, Dan and Flair are getting married soon. Dan proposed to her at a football game. The message flashed on the scoring screen and the proposal was on the massive TV screen. You could say Flair was a little overwhelmed, but she of course said yes. Flair had been a bit, down in the dumps, sort of mood so Dan suggest that they went to a football game together to cheer her up. And when they got home, she was smiling her head off again. The wedding is taking place after my birthday, which I though was a bit weird but I allowed them to plan it then. Also.....Kimroch and Carrie got together! Finally! Kimroch rang me up a few days ago to say that they were finally dating. I told him that I was happy for them and hoped that they have a lovely time together.

*Time skip*

Tomorrow's my birthday and the day after that is the wedding, to be honest, I'm quite excited. Although.....this afternoon when it was my birthday party, there was a gift on mine and Samir's bed. It was addressed to me. I checked for a name to see who it was from, but the only thing written on it was my name. I took it downstairs to ask the others. "Oooooo, who's that from?"
"I don't know, I found it on mine and Samir's bed."
"Let me have a look." I handed the package to Samir and he had a look. It was wrapped in royal wrapping paper with a ribbon threaded from real gold. My name was written in melted gold ink and was all swirly and looked as if it was mystical writing. "Hmmm, I have no idea, there's no name to say either."
"Was it there this morning?" Carrie asked, at least she asked politely rather than being rude like usual. Kimroch has to keep asking her to stop,
"No, it wasn't there this morning."
"Hmmm, maybe someone snuck in while we were downstairs and left it on the bed."
"That could be it...but what's inside it?"
"Open it Terra and see what it is." I carefully started to unwrap the gift and then it pulled itself out of my hands and started floating in front of us. It then unwrapped itself and revealed the mystery inside...

So how did you enjoy the first chapter of the sequel, bit short I know but it is the first chapter. Sorry for the cliff hanger but I love them, I can't help it. Anyway...hope you enjoy the rest of the book. Shy wolf out.

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