Doc Y/N - C.H

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"I l-Lo-Love-"

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"I l-Lo-Love-"

Caleb's Pov

I was working on the floor when I heard that sweet voice behind me on the stairs.

"Alright boys! You know the drill! Line it up!" I turned around and smiled when I saw that Y/H/C haired goddess. She had a clip board and a pen. She wore a black tank top under a doctor's jacket. Her tank top was tucked into a pair of skinny jeans and she wore a pair of white vans. She's so cute when she dresses casual. She usually wears pencil skirts and doc We lined up like we were told. Y/N was the on deck doctor. I may or may not have faked an injury just to go see her. I mean, all the guys on deck do. She's incredibly beautiful and sweet and funny and so hot.

Today she has to do our weekly check ups.

"Hey sweetness." We all say to her. We call her sweetness because she brings us candy after every check up.

"Hi, boys." She smiles. She goes down the line taking everyone's temperatures and asking a series of questions. When she gets to me I blush. She's so much shorter than everyone.

"What's with the redness, Hollywood? You feelin' hot today?" She asked swiping a thermometer across my forehead. I was too focused on her big Y/E/C eyes and her surprisingly White teeth to hear her. God, I want her so bad. I thought.

"Yo! Hollywood, you okay?" She asked pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. I nodded. "Any sore throat?" She asked. I said no. She asked me a bunch of other questions and I said no to all of them.

After she was done assessing everyone she came down the line and gave us all a piece of candy. We thanked her and we all watched her walk away.

"Gosh she is something else, ain't she?" One of the guys asked. They all agreed including me. It was no secret that her and Andrea got hit on everyday since they're the only women on deck. They knew it too. They knew every guy flirted with them. Even the married guys!


It happened so fast. First all the mud was spraying everywhere then it was fire. Everyone was heading to the life boats. I looked around the crowd trying to find Y/N. She wasn't anywhere. I started yelling her name.

I remembered she finished her runs early today so she went back to her office and Skyped her brother. Oh my God. What if she got trapped in there? I started to run towards her office. I met Mike along the way and he had Mr Jimmy with him. He insisted to come with me to find Y/N. Her and Mike were very close. Like a daughter and father relationship. Just like her and Mr. Jimmy.

Y/N pov

I opened my eyes and instantly screamed out in pain. I lifted my head up and looked to my stomach. A big piece of glass was sticking out of it. I screamed once again as I touched the tip of the glass. It felt like it went all the way through me. Tears ran down my face as I tried to reach for my walkie-talkie. It was literally just out of reach. I couldn't move without feeling pain. My eyes began feeling heavy. No no no. Stay awake. I said to myself. All I could remember was, I was doing lab reports of everyone I assessed that day, then everything just blew up, sending me across the room.

I heard my name being called. It sounded distant. With my experience in being a doctor I knew I shouldn't take it out depending on how deep it was. Everytime I even touched the glass pain rushed through my body. I screamed again hoping someone would hear me. I could see the door but, my vision was cloudy.

"Help me!" I grunted. I saw the door and I could tell it was being kicked from the outside. My desk must've fallen in front of it when everything blew up. I took a few deep breaths and then then the door bursted open sending the desk sliding across the room.

"Y/N! Oh my..." I couldn't tell who's voice it was until they spoke again. "Y/N? Can you hear me? Oh please be awake!"


"Mike help me!" Caleb yelled.

Caleb pov

There she was. Laying on the ground with a huge peice of glass sticking out of her. I rushed to her use and dropped to my knees putting my hands on the glass ready to take it out. Mike came to my side and got his hands on the glass. Then I felt hands on mine. Y/N.

"N-No Don't T-T-Take it out." She stammered, wincing in pain. "I'll bleed out."

"Y/N. We don't have much time this thing is gonna blow. The rig's on fire." Mike explained.

"How ba-bad is it?" She asked quietly. I didn't want to tell her how bad it actually was. Because it was bad. Really bad. Blood was everywhere, it was gushing out more and more every second.

"N-No." I lied. She began to close her eyes. "Hey! Hey! Stay awake for me okay?" She nodded.

"Okay Mike I need you to do something for me." Y/N said. "Just do what I tell you to and we'll probably make it out of here with me alive." She said.

"Anything for you sweetness." Mike said.

"O-okay in the t-top drawer of the desk is body wrap. I need you to get that, a washcloth, some of that rubbing alcohol and liquid morphine." She listed off. While he was getting all of those things I had to tell her to stay awake a few times.

"Ok Mikey. Now I need you to take it out." Y/N said shakily. Mike's eyes widened.

"What? You want me to pull that big ass piece of glass out of you?" She nodded and Mike hesitantly grabbed the glass with both hands. She squeezed her eyes shut and I grabbed her hands. He proceeded to try and pull it out. She screamed and squeezed my hands hard.

"Uh... It's not coming out easily." Mike warned.

"I don't care! Just get the son of a bitch out of me!" She screamed. While Mike was getting it out I decided to try and take her mind off of it. Not that she would completely forget that someone was trying to pull a shard of glass out of her.

"Hey Y/N." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "I think I'm completely in love with you. I mean, you are such and amazing person. You're sweet, you're pretty - beautiful actually, you are a great doctor. Remember that time I came in your office with a headache?" She nodded. "I didn't really have a headache. I just wanted to see you and your beautiful Y/E/C eyes." She smiled and then grunted in pain as Mike was still working on getting the glass out.

"I know." She said. "I know you didn't have that headache." She paused. "Or that cough. Or-" she stopped and screamed. She turned her head to the side and coughed up blood. That was when I knew she wasn't going to make it. She coughed more and more blood. Blood stained her once pink lips and her chin. She squeezed her eyes shut and I looked at her stomach. The glass was almost out! Maybe she would live!

"Hey, Caleb?" She asked. I looked at her. "I l-lo-love-" she stopped and coughed up more blood. Then she turned her head to the ceiling. I waited for her to finish but she never did.

She never did.


Ok y'all... This one's a little depressing at the end but, it's fine. Definitely not crying.

Anywayyyyyyyy, what do y'all wanna read next? Let me know!

𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 - 𝐃𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐎'𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now