Newbie - M.R

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"That's what I thought

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"That's what I thought."

"Hey Hurley. We gotta new one coming today?" You asked walking into Hurley's office. He turned around and laughed.

"Yeah. Irene said he's mad about life." Hurley rolled his eyes and you laughed. You both headed outside. You waited on the porch until he got there. Hurley went down to meet him and you stayed on the porch crossing your arms over your chest.

Irene got out of the car and talked to Hurley. Then she got back in the car and Drove away but without the new guy. He had a bag in his hand, probably full of clothes. He had longer hair and a little stuble. He looked really smug and stupid. Like he could get ahead of himself in a fight. You knew you could take him down easily. Hurley basically bit his head off and he still had that stupid smug look on his face.

"Y/N!" Hurley yelled. "Get down here." He yelled again. You obeyed and walked down and stood beside Hurley. You were small compared to the two men. They were like 6 foot and you were 5'2.

"Let me guess, you help in the kitchen?" New guy said. You raised your eyebrows and Hurley tried to jump in but you stopped him. You punched new guy in the face and kicked his feet out from under him. You pulled you gun out of your waist band sat on top of new guy. You pointed the gun at his face.

"Does it seem like I work in the kitchen you sexist asshole?" You sassed. You pulled the trigger and smirked. You didn't have any bullets in the gun. New guy look terrified.

"You must be my new bitch. I'm Y/N." You smirked and got off of him. He stood up and dusted himself off.

"I'm uh- Mitch. Mitch Rapp." He said you rolled your eyes.

"I don't think I asked. But thanks for the un-needed information." You said and walked back into the house. You heard him scoff behind you and you smirked.


You were leaning up against a tree in the woods watching all the other guys train. Hurley was talking but you weren't actually listening. You knew how to kick all those guys asses. The right way.

"Victor, take Rapp."

You watched in amusement as two grown ass men rolled around in the dirt. Hurley looked at you and nodded. You kicked off the tree and walked a little closer to the two. You pulled your gun out of your waist band and shot right above Rapp's head. He flinched.

"No! Never flinch! You flinch you die!" You yelled out as the two continued to roll around in the dirt. You laughed a little. You walked forward and kicked Rapp's side. He fell over.

"You fall you die! I thought that one was obvious..." You trailed off. The two continued to fight and you had enough. You fired all three rounds of your gun into the air. The two jumped apart.

"If you two are done rolling around on the ground like idiots, I'd like to let you know that neither of you could've won that fight with actual skill. You both suck. Goodbye boys." You said and walked away. While walking through the woods you heard footsteps behind you. You knew it was someone trying to be stealthy,but they weren't being very quiet.

You stopped and turned around. You smiled when you saw no one. You turned back around and were met with Mitch Rapp. He Instantly swung at you and you ducked. You grabbed his wrist and twisted it. You kneed him in the stomach and he grunted. You pulled his wrist forward so he was inches away from your face.

"Never. Sneak up. On. Me. Got it?" You snapped. He didn't respond so you kicked his knee and they buckled. He fell to the ground and you shot right next to head.

"Got it?" You said slowly. He nodded and you smirked and walked away.


The next morning Hurley had you go wake the guys up. You walked in the room with a shot gun and you started shooting the ceiling.

"Get up! Everyone wake the hell up you pile of lazy ass men! Hurry up! You're all dead!" You yelled, still shooting the ceiling. You walked through the aisle in the middle of the beds and stopped in front of an angry looking Rapp.

"You wanna say something?" You paused and got really close to him and got up on your tippy toes. "Say. Something."

He didn't say anything so you back away. "That's what I thought." Then you turned to the rest of the room. "You have thirty Seconds!" You yelled and made your way out of the room.


Days pass and you learn a lot about Rapp. 1)He has a hard time letting go of he past and 2) He's stupid

You were sitting in the kitchen drinking a beer and you heard footsteps. You knew it wasn't Hurley or any of the other guys so, you figured it was the only stupid one. "What do you want Rapp?" You said not turning around.

"How'd you know it was me?" He said.

"Because I can smell stupid people a mile away. And that just so happens to be you, Rapp." You said taking another sip of your beer.

"Ouch." He said quietly. "Hey, look I'm sorry about the other day and sneaking up on you." He sighed.

"Okay." You said simply.

"Okay? Are you going to apologise for kicking my ass?" He asked sitting beside you.

"Only if you accept it." You shrugged.

"Okay, fine. I got my ass kicked twice by you. Y/N..." He said looking for a last name.

You rolled your eyes and laughed "Y/L/N." He smiled at you and continued.

"I got my ass kicked by you, Y/N Y/L/N." You smiled as he finished.

"That anger that you carry around with you, is gonna kill you." You said changing the subject. You threw your beer bottle away and sat back down. He looked at you with confusion. "Look, I know you've been through some tough stuff but, if you keep dragging it along and not making your peace, you're gonna get yourself hurt or even killed."

He sighed. "She was innocent." His voice broke. "We just got engaged and she... She was my everything. Katrina was killed right in front of me. She didn't deserve it. Any of it."

"Did you?" You said looking up at him. "You keep kicking yourself. Do you deserve to keep hurting?"

"It's just... I wanted to kill the person who stood over her and smirked at me. I wanted to kill him, Y/N." His voice broke again.

You patted him on his back as a tear ran down his face. "His name was Anthony." You started "He was my best friend. My brother. He was killed in a terrorist attack. I was with him in his last moments. I could've helped him but... He just... He couldn't hold on anymore." You said quietly a tear running down your cheek. "Or I could've went after the man. I just I don't know. I could've helped in some way but, I just sat there crying like a bitch." You looked up at him. You're eyes met. "That's why I'm who I am now. I'm a heartless crazy bitch. I don't have feelings. At least by day." You finished with a small chuckle.

Rapp just looked at you with sad eyes. You smiled and stood up. "But, we all gotta learn to let go of the past, Rapp." You walked to your room and shut the door. Little did you know he was watching you walk away.


Part 2?

𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 - 𝐃𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐎'𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now