•Twenty Six•

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I had managed to wake up before my usual alarm I have set on my phone so I turned it off and set it for tomorrow.

Before I got up for a shower, I just looked over at my man...

My man.

Harry Styles is my man.

That's going to take some time to get used to.

I just stared at his chest as it continuously rose and fell with each breath he took.

The ink that painted his tan skin appeared nice and dark as the sun continued to rise, lighting up the apartment.

We had accidentally left the light on in my room for the entire night.


Harry will take care of my electricity bill this month since his dîck seemed to cause temporary memory loss.

I sat up very carefully and just continued to watch him sleep.

His expression looked peaceful, calm and I couldn't help but smile at it.

I was able to give him peace at last after all the horrible things that have happened to him.

Not to toot my own horn here, but I think losing me was one of the most awful things to have happened to him.

As I've said before, he can't get rid of me that easily.

His hair was a mess against my pillow, allowing for me to stare at the chocolate curls which contrasted against the white pillow sheet.

It began looking a little greasy so he definitely has to wash it today before our meeting.

Or not, I didn't really care since he still looked like God took his time carving him out personally.

His skin was absolutely flawless, not a single blemish or pimple was spotted anywhere and I immediately grew jealous.

How dare he have clear skin.

My period would be here in the next few days according to my phone.

Sad to say the only sex I'll be having is with my mouth for the next week.

Plus that means acne and hormones.

I hope Harry can continue to handle me now that we see each other in a different perspective.

Before, he would just avoid me while I was in my funky mood.

I remember back to my last period where I dipped a whole pickle spear into my Nutella and ate it like it was the best thing on the planet and I swear to god Harry started to look a little green in the face.

I just yelled at him to mind his business and he shook his head with a laugh.

I smiled at the memory as I moved my gaze back to his face again.

His stubble appeared dark in this particular lighting that it almost looked like he was growing a connected beard and mustache.

I wonder if he'll shave today too or continue to let it grow.

I honestly hope he shaves, the stubble feels nice between my thighs don't get me wrong but I miss his baby soft jaw.

I then glanced at the gold cross necklace that laid gently on his chest.

Where the fûck did that come from?

Had he always had that on?

Was he fûcking me with it on last night?

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