Chapter 1- Training Camp

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Asahi's POV

Asahi woke up on Monday and got dressed, brushed her hair, brushed her teeth, puts her hair up into a ponytail, and goes downstairs. "BYE DADS," I yelled then ran out of the house and goes to school. I arrived at school and went to class 1-A. When I got there I went to sit down and listened to Kyle yell at another student like always. I smiled at Kyle. Kyle noticed and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT FLAMEY!" I then looked away and sighed.

Kyle POV

I yelled at Asahi but I only do that because I don't understand my feelings. I like her but I don't know if she likes me back. I should just tell her but what if she gets mad I thought but I decided to tell her after class. I sat down because the teacher walked in." Ok class so we are going on a training camp and we are having cabins and one boy and girl Per cabin," Aizawa explained. I listened for all the names get called and then. "And finally Asahi with Kyle," he called. My eyes went wide maybe this is my chance I thought and started to smile.

Asahi POV

I heard mr. Aizawa call me and Kyle and I started to blush. Me with Kyle, with my crush I thought with my eyes wide. "We are going to leave tomorrow so start packing class dismissed," Aizawa said while going to sleep. I got up and walked out and started to walk home. When I got home I started to pack and when I finished I laid down and I guess I fell asleep cause when I woke up it was the next day. I did my morning routine and then I grabbed my stuff and ran to school when I got there I went to the bus and met the rest of the class. "Ok now that everyone is here we are going to get on the bus but you have to sit next to who you are going to share the cabin with," Aizawa said then let up on the bus. I sat next to the window and Kyle sat next to me. When we started to go I closed my eyes and accidentally leaned my head on Kyle shoulder.

Kyle POV

I sat next to Asahi and all the sudden I felt something on my shoulder I looked at the side and saw asahi's head on my shoulder. I started to blush a lot and I smiled at her and put my head on her head. I fell asleep as well.

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