chapter ten.

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the next few days, you and kylo kept your distance, focusing on both your assignments. you did miss him and thought about him a lot, but work at the medbay distracted you easily from him.

doctor miles called your name, making you spin around and smile. "yes, sir?" you asked and he was accompanied by another person. "this is the new, fellow trainee." he told you, and you shook hands with the stranger, introducing yourself. your energy was warm and presentable.

"nice to meet you, i'm josh." he greeted, smiling back. "today, i need you to show himself around the medbay, what a trainee does daily, and you know, everything i taught you." doctor miles explained and you nodded, giving him your signature thumbs up.

"follow me, josh! i want you to know, things are very easy here, as i think so, and you'll be working along an amazing team. if you have any issues or problems, then you can always come to me, doctor miles or anyone in the crew." you informed him and josh nodded, trailing behind you while you showed him around.

your entire day consisted of being josh's leader and he took notes, asked questions, the basics of what you liked. you were finally done showing him around and sighed contently, smiling.

"i have another question. are you talking to someone? like anyone? any interest?"

your smile died, and your cheeks puffed out, thinking. you and kylo weren't a thing, but you did take full interest into him. you did love him, though he didn't feel the same, nor even say it. you thought back to that night where he held you in your room and slowly started to show his true colors, but you didn't know if that was a once in a lifetime thing.

"um, kinda. don't ask who, just somebody. and even if i didn't, sometimes not dating is just for the better benefits upon ourselves, so it doesn't distract us from our job." you told him and he nodded, taking the rejection well. "that's all i wanted to know. but, thank you so much. you are a really good guider and i appreciate it." he exclaimed, and you smiled widely, your cheeks turning red.

"uh, no problem. i was just like you at one point, so i know how you feel. do you want to come with me to the cafe hall?" you asked and he nodded, his smile being bright and full of happiness. you've never seen someone so happy. it was like you, but with a penis attached.

josh walked besides you, as you both made your way to the cafe hall. you noticed aria sitting down, signaling him to follow you right after both grabbing your meals. you sat down in front of aria, snapping her out of her thoughts. "hey! oh, and i see we have a newcomer." she teased, laughing and smiled, sticking out her hand. "pleasure to meet you, stranger. i'm aria!" she greeted and he shook her hand. "josh." he simply named himself, smiling.

aria and josh talked, while you overheard them and smiled. he was better than theo, at least. you didn't hear anything about theo since the day he was taken. you didn't know if he was already flying around in space or being held inside a cell.

"and this girl, totally the smartest person ever!" aria told him, and you finally came back to reality. "what? pft, i'm not! i'm really not." you defensively said, shaking your head and chuckled. "yes, you are! you graduated top of the academy, beating everyone in every skill field, including weapon fighting." she explained, and he was in shock, even in awe.

"the weapon fighting course was so lame. i only passed it because you were my partner for the whole year and we did nothing but mess around when the teacher wasn't looking!" you reassured her, and he listened to you and aria fight about it, laughing. "i'm sure you were amazing at it." josh complimented and you blushed, smiling like an idiot.

"anyways! i'm not smart, end of discussion."

they giggled and he nudged you playfully, your cheeks hurting at this point. yeah, he was way better than theo and you already felt comfortable around him. his brown hair was fluffy and his skin was perfectly tanned, his smile being wide and bright. you stopped checking him out when he eyed out, grinning and caught you.

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