Ten: Escorts in Vegas

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Victoria plopped into the passenger seat of the car. She was defeated, had nothing else left to give, or fight for. Between Phil, and Nick and not to mention Doug missing. She was done for the day, ready to give up. All she could do was listen to Stu's pathetic excuses to Melissa as they prepared to start driving.

"It would be so cool if I could breast feed, you know?" Alan dreamed, leaning back in his seat next to Stu.

Phil and Victoria gave him a weird look, preparing to drive off when suddenly, an orange sports car sped up into the parking lot, squealing to a halt. A few big guys got out, baseball bats in hand.

One guy slammed on Victoria's window, "Lets go! Out of the car!" he yelled. Her eyebrows furrowed.

Another guy pointed at Phil with the bat, "Where the hell is he?" He yelled, angrilly.

"Hey, easy, easy. I think we're looking for the same guy, okay." Phil tried to reason. The guy from Victoria's side of the car slammed his bat against the front window.

"Shit." Victoria cursed, her eyes wide.

The baby started crying, sending Stu into a panic to cover up the situation to Melissa. "Where is he?" The man yelled.

"I-I don't know! What are you talking about?" Phil responded, freaked out of his mind.

"Sir could you please start the tractor so we can get out of here?" Stu yelled at Phil, banging against the metal dividers from the from and back seat.

Phil turned around, "I'm trying to but we're fucking blocked!" He yelled as the man slammed the baseball bat against the windshield again.

"Hey there's a baby on here!" Alan yelled at the guy.

"Get out of the fucking car!" The guy yelled pointing at Phil and Victoria.

Suddenly, Eddie came out of his chapel, "Why you making trouble for my business, man?" he yelled "Get away from here."

The men pulled out a gun, aiming it at Phil. Victoria gasped, "Phil get us the fuck out of here!" She yelled. Phil slammed the car in reverse, running over the guy with a guns foot causing him to shoot Eddie on accident.

"They just shot Eddie!" Stu yelled, finally off the phone with Melissa.

Phil turned the car around, "Fuck this shit!" He yelled, speeding down the road.


When they arrived at Jade's address, Alan was going on about a movie he saw, "Shut up Alan, what room was it again?"

"It's 825." Victoria responded, running a hand through her hair. A woman came out of one of the rooms, on the phone.

She quickly hangs up the phone at the sight of them, "Thank god he's with his father! I was freaking out! I missed you sweetie!" She said, taking the baby, "And I missed you." Jade cheered, leaning over and kissing Stu.

"Oh, wow." Victoria muttered.

Jade looked at all them "What the hell happened to you guys?" she asked them, completely confused.

"Actually we were hoping you could tell us." Phil responded, putting his hands on his hips. He glanced over at Victoria, biting his lip.

Jade laughed, "What do yo mean? I got up this morning, I went to get you guys all coffee and I came back, and you guys were all gone." She looked at everyone, "Why are you being so quiet?" She asked Stu.

Stu shrugged awkwardly, "I'm not being quiet," he muttered.

Jade laughed, "Yeah i gotta feed Tyler. Come inside you guys!" She giggled, "Hey Victoria!" she grinned, giving Victoria a hug, which Victoria awkwardly returned.

When in Sin City ;; Phil WenneckWhere stories live. Discover now