Demon King's Hidden Son (Prologue)

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3rd POV

A man sat, head in hands, on the bed. The bed, like the room, was ordinary. Everything belonged there. From the worn wallpaper to the woman laying peacefully in the bed under the covers. Everything, except for the man. The room, and the woman, were perfect in their way. The man wasn't, not to himself. To his kind, he was a being to look up to, a creature to imitate.

Sighing, the man ran his tropical-tanned hands through his sea-black hair, messing it more. Yet the hair didn't get ugly, if possible, it got more beautiful. The woman stirred on the other side of the bed, causing the man's green eyes to float over to her. The woman's warm light brown eyes met his dark green ones. Her face scrunched in worry, she sat up and tried to touch him, but he got up.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked, quietly.

"I-I can't stay. If anyone found out about our son..." the man trailed off, his eyes worried while they slid over to said son's crib, where the young child laid peacefully.

"I know, I know. We'll find some way to keep him safe." the woman whispered.

"No, Sally, you don't understand. I can tell what he is. If anyone found out, if my brother found out that I had a son, a demon-born son, he would kill both of you." the man shook his head, grabbing the woman's, Sally's, arms. A second later, as if realizing his grip was hurting her, he loosened it. Sally didn't react to the pressure, she knew the man wouldn't hurt her.

"Poseidon, he won't be killed. Our son won't be killed. We're going to go hide, remember?" Sally asked, looking into his eyes desperately. The man, Poseidon, shook his head sadly, backing away.

"Sally, you can hide, our boy can hide. I can't hide from my brother. He'd find us too quickly. I have to return to ensure he won't find you, okay?" Poseidon's eyes watered slightly. "I promise, Sally, that I'll protect you and him from both demons and angels, and from my brothers. I won't let anyone come near you two with any ill will that are not mortal, I promise."

Sally nodded mutely, fighting tears. Poseidon slowly walked over to his son's crib, and looked in. There was a small gurgle from inside, and Sally came over to see the son grinning happily, obliviously, at his father, who's form shimmered into his demon form. The young child's form shimmered in unison with the father, to reveal that he, too, had demon wings and small baby horns protruding from his head. The father's wings were black with a green and blue wave undertone. His horns were swirled up above his head, the main scales black, the under a rich green-blue. The child's were slightly richer, the black was darker, the green-blue much more colored.

The King of Demons reached down to his child, and held him close. Whispering, he told the two whom he loved, "Demons are the enemies of angels, and the other way around. If it is known that Perseus is a demon, both demigod and angelic forces will try to kill him. He would be banished from camp, and hunted for sport."

Sally nodded, and gently took the child from the demon. Poseidon looked at his lover desperately, "I will have to hide his demon. Until he learns to control it and hide it himself. It's best to teach him how to do so young, so he can do it without thinking about it."

Sally nodded, and stared at Poseidon, who them gathered his new, small family in his arms and held them, his wings wrapping gently around them. He knew that soon, and as soon as he could, he had to go.

Lightning flashed nearby, lighting the dark room temporarily. The young child wailed, as if sensing the danger that came with the lightning. Poseidon kissed Sally and his son for the last time, and left, fleeing away to get the King of Angels to chase him. Zeus gave chase and hunted his enemy for three days before growling and trying to find where he first gave chase. The white-haired man found the room, and there was a normal room, with a crib. The god went over to see it empty. Growling, Zeus went back to Olympus, having no proof the Poseidon had broken the promise. Although, in about twelve years, Zeus would have his proof, when Perseus Jackson appeared at Camp Half-Blood. But the King of Gods and Angels could not sense if the boy was a demon.

Perseus was indeed a demon, and indeed did learn at a very young age to hide himself. He learned of angels and that they were dangerous to him. Sally made Perseus promise her that he would blend in, and to not bring attention to the demon-angel aspect of the world, to which he should have no information on if he were born a normal demigod. Perseus did so, very well, too. Until something happened after the second war he was in. This secret was going to be spilled, and to an unlikely enemy whom he had known for the longest time.

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