The Demon-Heir's Family

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Perseus grinned, his arm around his girlfriend. He and his friends were all surrounding a table in a local coffee cafe. The ten demigods were just hanging out. Percy was just relaxing, enjoying the moment. For some reason, he felt this big knot about to come up. A big, messed up knot. It would soon come, he knew that. What it was, however, he did not know.

"So, Percy, where are you going after this?" Annabeth asked.

"Home. Mom needs help with Estelle since Paul's off at some teacher meeting." Percy explained.

"Want me to come?" Annabeth, and everyone else asked. Percy chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah, I figured we could have some brother-sister bonding time." Percy grinned happily.

After some laughing and joking, the group broke up into smaller groups, the couples walking off together. The short dark boy who's name was Nico went with his opposite, Will. The two held hands and laughed at jokes the taller one spewed. Leo, a Latino, did the same with Calypso. Piper and Jason went with Frank and Hazel. Then it was just Percy and Annabeth leaving the cafe. The two lovebirds slowly walked to the Jackson's residence.

"How's Sally and Estelle?" Annabeth asked, holding Percy's hand while they walked down the sidewalk. Percy smiled.

"They're doing great. Estelle is in preschool." Percy explained, while they walked up the stairs to the third floor. Soon they were opening the door and entering. Well, Percy opened the door and insisted Annabeth go in, holding the door like a gentleman like his mother taught him all his life.

"Percy!" Sally grinned. On her hip was her daughter, Estelle. Seeing Percy and Annabeth, she grinned and made grabby hands for her older half-brother. Sally relented and handed the young child to the demigod, who smiled and took her over to the couch nearby. There, Percy set Estelle on the ground between him and Annabeth, the two demigods sitting facing each other.

"Are you staying for dinner, Annabeth?" Sally asked from the kitchen. Said demigod got up and sat on a stool.

"No, I still have to get back to camp before the harpies are released." Annabeth smiled. "I can come back early in the morning if you need help."

Sally shook her head. "We won't need help, but you're welcome to come anyway."

Annabeth nodded and left the apartment after a short bye. Percy took Estelle and set her in her highchair. Then he went over to his mother and gently took the hot food from her hands.

"Percy, you don't have to." Sally insisted. Percy shook his head.

"You did the cooking, so I'll put it on the table for you. It's the least I could do, Mom." Percy explained. Sally tried to take it back, but he shook his head.

"I got it, Mom. Go sit down."  Percy insisted. Sally sighed and did as her son told her, sitting down as Paul entered. Tired, and his hair sweaty, Paul sighed as he plopped into his seat next to Sally.

"What's for dinner?" Paul asked.

"Lasagna," Sally answered, while Percy gave Paul some of the food. He did the same for his mother and little sister before getting himself some and putting it in the middle of the small table, then sitting down in his seat. The family ate quietly for about five minutes before Paul got a conversation going.

"So, what did you do today, Percy?" Paul asked.

"Nothing much, just hung out with the others." Percy explained. Paul nodded and started to talk with Sally about the book she was writing. After dinner, Percy picked up Estelle and, despite Sally's protests, took her to her bath.

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