The Demon Smiles! ~ The Angel

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Will 3rd POV:

Will smiled at his boyfriend, who was shoveling the Happy Meal down his throat in their apartment.

"Nico, you're gonna choke yourself," Will warned. Nico shot a glare to his boyfriend, not stopping the onslaught of chicken nuggets into his throat. A quiet snarl came from the short demon. Will just rolled his eyes. He took the box from Nico.

"Will!" the son of Hades complained after swallowing a whole nugget. Nico reached across the bed in an attempt to get his food back.

"Nico, you should eat slower!" Will huffed. Nico sighed, "Fine, Will."

Will, happy with his victory, gave back the Happy Meal box.

"Neeks, you gonna share?" Will asked, already reaching for something in the box.

"Will! That's mine!" Nico shrieked, slapping his boyfriend's hand away. This caused Will to grab Nico's hand and pulled the little dark teenager to himself. Nico blushed a little, and tried to hide it. Will saw.

"Aww, is the dark, broody, emotionless son of Hades blushing?" Will teased.

"I'm not broody. I am not blushing, Will," Nico responded, frowning.

"Yes you are. See, you're a little pink on the cheeks. That means blood is rising to your cheeks, which often happens when you're flustered. You're blushing." Will concluded.

"Will, let me go," Nico whined.

"Aww, the scary demon is whining." Will teased. Nico pouted, crossing his arms. This made Will smirk, and handed him a nugget. Nico tried to fight his smile while he swallowed it.

"Slower, Neeks," Will ordered, "or I won't give you any more."

Nico's pout grew, but he nodded. Will slowly gave him another nugget from another box. This time, Nico ate slowly, then gave Will a look that said, 'happy?'

"That's better, Neeks." Will smiled. Nico still insisted on fighting the smile that was insisting on getting on the demon's face.

Will gave Nico another nugget, practically feeding it to him. But before it got into Nico's mouth, Will slowly pulled it back. He continued to do so until Will planted a kiss on Nico's head. Nico blushed and hid his face into his boyfriend's shoulder. Will smiled.

"Will!" Nico whined.

"Yes?" came his response.

"Why did you do that?" Nico whispered.

"I saw a chance, and I took it." Will grinned, eating the nugget in his hand. Nico then looked up.

"Will, you ate my food." Nico growled.

"So? You'd share, right?" Will teased, then he turned serious, "Where did you run off to so quickly?"

"There was an urgent meeting," Nico mumbled into his boyfriend's body.

"Of what?" Will tried to probe.

"Someone's been spying on the meetings we've been having with the he -- leader." Nico corrected himself.

"What were you going to say, Neeks?" Will continued to probe.

"Just don't tell anyone, okay?" Nico whispered. Will nodded, and Nico said, "Heir. I was going to say heir. Prince, heir, next in line, take your pick."

"Wait, aren't they supposed to be killed or die early in life?" Will asked. Nico nodded.

"Yeah, but he's different. He lived. He survived and knows how to hide very well." Nico smiled. Will chuckled.

"It sounds like you like him." Will teased.

"I did," Nico confessed, "but for a little bit."

Will nodded, "You're mine, right?"

"Certo, il sole. Sei mio." Nico mumbled. (Of course, sunshine. You're mine.)

Will chuckled, "Good. I don't want anyone to take you."

Nico smiled and buried more into Will's shirt.

"You smell like sunshine and soap." Nico purred. Will smiled.

"You smell like dogs and fresh air, which is odd, seeing as you're not outside much." Will chuckled.

"I am actually outside more than you think, Will." Nico muttered, rolling his eyes. Will smiled.

"Anyway, are we going to eat this food or are we raising the dead today?" Nico asked, turning to the food in front of the two.

"We are not raising the dead, Nico, they need to rest." Will frowned.

"Well, then, let's eat." Nico said, grabbing a box. Will smiled at him and took a chicken nugget from the box Nico grabbed. Nico growled a little and just rolled his eyes. The two just sat, eating food.

"So, what's this spy gonna do? Attack you?" Will asked, mouth full.

"Well, if things are going the way that I think they are, and knowing our luck, the eavesdropper would find out who are demons and angels in camp. Possibly split them apart and cause an all out war inside camp." Nico guessed, making random gestures. Will smiled at this little quirk. Will had seen the short Italian when he popped up at camp for the first time. Large and very energetic gestures was one of the quirks the younger and happier Nico had. Thinking of this, Will had realized he noticed more of these quirks more often.

"Well, how many angels do you think are in camp?" Will asked.

"Well, given that I know about you, and we already know about two who are consistently in camp and then one, I'm guessing that there are a lot." Nico guessed, shoving another nugget into his mouth.

"Hmm. Who do you know about?" Will asked.

"Nice try, Will. It's not my place to tell, and if I told you who I know on your side, you'll know who's a demon." Nico smiled. Will gasped.

"Nico smiles?" Will teased, causing Nico to try to scowl. Although, Nico's face kept trying to split into a smile. "Nico, don't fight the smile, Neeks. Come on, smile."

Nico's scowl grew, but smiled eventually. Will grinned happily.

"I gotta get a picture!" Will exclaimed, grabbing his yellow phone and taking a picture of Nico, who didn't have time to react.

"Will! Delete that at once!" Nico shrieked, reaching for the phone.

"Nope! I got something pretty impossible done, and I'm keeping evidence." Will grinned. Nico sighed, crossing his arms and pouting like a young child. Will smiled, and hid his phone underneath himself, just in case.

Nico eventually smiled and continued eating his food. Will smiled back and kissed Nico, making him blush.

(1002 words)

Hope you like this! More of a one-shot, but still.

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