The Hidden Angel Revealed

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"Yeah. He said that there are demigod angels, too." Alex's face scrunched in confusion. "He also mentioned that there were some that were in the Seven, Percy."


POV change for chapter: Perseus: 1st person (May turn to 3rd for rest of story)

"What? N-no, it's impossible, Alex. I'd sense it. The guy was lying." I protested. I tossed Alex some healing stuff. Specific for our kind. My friend ate it, and hissed in slight pain while their body quickly stitched itself back together. After a second, they sighed in relief.

"I'm fine now. Let's get cookies." Alex stood up, but I grabbed their arm.

"Wait at least a minute. It doesn't usually take it that quickly." I ordered. Sighing, Alex nodded and sat down. I went out into the main room to grab cookies, somehow avoiding Mom unintentionally, and went back to my room. Alex looked up and grinned. They tried to grab some, but I held the plate farther away from them.

"First, pronouns." I ordered. Alex nodded, "He/him."

I nodded and gave him his cookies.

"Alright, let's go say hello to Mrs. Jackson." Alex grinned, getting up. I nodded and followed the child of Loki.

Mom had come back out into the main room, and smiled at us when we came out.

"Are you feeling any better?" Mom asked Alex. That reminded me that they hadn't met.

"Yes, ma'am." Alex nodded.

"Mom, this is Alex. Alex, this is my mom, Sally." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Alex smiled at Mom. She smiled warmly at Alex, and handed him some cookies which he was eyeing.

"Are you feeling better, Alex?" Mom asked, looking him over while I sat on a stool and ate warm cookies.

"Yes ma'am. I should get going. My boyfriend's going to be worried if I stay away too long." Alex nodded.

"Wait, you got together?" I asked. Alex nodded and left the apartment before I could ask more.

"Who was that?" Mom asked, "Other than friend."

"Alex is Annabeth's cousin's boyfriend, and sometimes girlfriend. Magnus is Annabeth's cousin." I explained. Mom nodded. I stood up, "I'm going to go find Annabeth. Bye, Mom."

Leaving, I heard Mom call out, "Be careful!"

As I stepped out of the apartment building, I took out the phone Leo had modified for demigod use. I went through the contacts to find Annabeth's, which showed a picture of her smiling happily at the camera. It was taken right after I helped her figure out some really complex architecture problem. Her grey eyes were lit up in happiness and relief. Her hair was pulled back, although some had fallen into her face, which she was wiping behind her ear in the picture.

I pulled myself out of staring at her picture to call her.

"Hello?" Annabeth's voice rang through the device.

"Hey, you wanna hang out? I'm free." I suggested.

"Sure, let me do something real quick, then I'll meet you at, um.." Annabeth trailed off.

"The park? I can go wait there. I have a surprise." I smiled.

"Yeah, I'll be there really quick. This'll only take a minute." Annabeth agreed, and hung up.

Turning my phone to sleep, I went to the park and found a bench and sat down. I watched my surroundings for Annabeth, my leg bouncing up and down in nervousness and excitement. This surprise was kind of big.

From Scales and Feathers (A Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now