Background Information

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Types of demons:

Demon King (most powerful, can have any traits, has all forms, dark[Hades] or sea-themed[Poseidon])

Demon Heir (2nd most powerful, can have all forms, color of Demon King father with some variation) DEMIGOD: (Color can vary based on power [ex. child of Poseidon with ice powers would be cooler colored than liquid-powered child]) (PERCY)

Primis (RARE, can have multiple wings, usually has snake/dragon-like scales on human parts, usually has a tail, more nature-themed colors)

Demon (some have wings, most have horns, colors can vary, usually darker scheme) (HAZEL, ALEX)

Satanic (classical demon: classic horns, wings[rarely], tail, shades of red)

Ignum (slightly torn edges of wings, small scorch marks[not actually burnt], colors are warm-ranged, horns can vary from knife-like to gazelle-like) (LEO)

Hellish (ram horns[horns that circle the ears], sometimes have longer/odd ears, can have clawed hands, pupils are commonly a slit, few wings, colors are dark)

Banished (Ripped wings, one/no horns[usually fallen off], fading colors, ALL HAVE SCARS ON BACK[custom scars])

Types of angels:

Angel King (Can look like any angel type. Colors: White, Gold, light blue) (ZUES)

Angel Heir (Usually has white/light blue colors. Wings, halo, can look like almost every angel type) (ex-JASON, ex-Thalia)

Angels (Wings and halos only. Colors depends on the angel) (ex-ANNABETH, ex-WILL, ex-REYNA, ex-MAGNUS)

Fallen/Banished Angels (Once Angels/Angel Heir, only has wings, colors can be changed ONCE and only to darker color, ALL HAVE SCARS ON BACK[custom], ALL ANGELS HAVE DIFFERENT REACTION from mild to extreme) (Annabeth, Jason, Thalia, Will, Reyna, Magnus)

Other Astrals:

Necromancer (looks like a demon, usually looks like the Demon type. Difference between two: Necromancers have small feathers scattered around the wing, usually in the joints. Colors vary) (Nico)

Oracle (Usually a human, the Oracle knows about every Astral) (Rachel)


Bird (can vary from angel-like[with feathers on human parts] to looking more to bird[human form with wings for arms, bird legs, and feathers all over body], can be mistaken for harpy) (mainly passive)

Reptile (varying reptiles, usually have sharp teeth, tails, scales crawling up body) (aggression level depends on reptile)

Cat (size varies depending on cat species, usually has fur over body, like a centaur, but with cats.) (Male Lions have long hair that can/will stick upwards to resemble a lion mane) (aggression level depends on gender, cat species, and time of year)


Dragonic (Like an angel or demon, but with tail, scales creeping around on body, claws[sometimes], can have horns, can have spikes on spine, has sharp teeth)

Mer-Astral (Mermaid, but mixed with other astrals)

Astrals mainly decide to stay out of the demon/angel fight, unless they are brought in under the impression that they are a demon or angel(example: Nico di Angelo)

Demons are the least effected by Tartarus, but are still effected negatively. Meanwhile angels are the most effected.

NO UPDATE THIS SUNDAY! AM VISITING FAMILY! Today, I'm uploading this and the regularly scheduled chapter instead of Sunday. (This chap was just for the world concept)

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