Acting A Little High

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"Will, let me go." Nico grumbled. The angel giggled and didn't move, his wings and arms around the short necromancer. Nico whined, "Will, please? I need to pee."

"Come right back, okay?" Will whispered, letting his boyfriend go. Nico nodded and darted to the bathroom. Will smiled at the door, albeit a little sleepy. Pretty soon, Nico came back, and whimpered into Will's embrace.

"What's wrong?" Will asked. Nico whimpered again, as if in pain. Will gently pushed Nico into the bed, trying to see if the shorter demigod had any injuries visible through the clothes.

"I hurt." Nico whined like a kicked puppy.

"Where?" Will looked at Nico's pain-filled face, wiping away the tears that were running on his cheeks.

"Everywhere." Nico cried, burying his face into Will's neck. Will gently wrapped his arms around the shaking child of shadows. Closing his eyes, Will focused on sending tendrils of comfort and numbness to his boyfriend. Then Nico hiccuped quietly, "Please make it stop. It hurts."

"I'm trying. What kind of pain is it, Neeks?"

"Burns." Nico kept crying, trying to somehow merge himself into the angel in hopes it'll make the pain stop.

"Shh, you'll be alright. Can you tell me when it started?" Will gently started rubbing his arms up and down his back, like one would do to a young crying child. While he did so, Will tried to force his powers, healing powers, to send cooling, water-like numbness and soothing around his boyfriend's body.

"After I finished using the toilet. It just suddenly started." Nico relaxed a little, making Will smile at this, because he knew what he was doing was helping.

"Just up and started? No warning before?" Will asked, forming possibilities in his mind. When he felt the nod of the head at his neck, all were sent away. Except one, which was impossible. Will frowned, but just lied there. He ran that possibility in his mind over and over again, trying to figure out who would try and hurt his Nico. Will finally just sighed and reached for his phone, and texted Jason.

Sunshine Boy: Hey, any clue who might hurt a necromancer?

Blond Superman: No idea, why?

Blond Superman: What happened and who's hurt?

Sunshine Boy: Nico, and he just started hurting.

Blond Superman: I'll ask around. No promises on any answer, or a good one.

Sunshine Boy: At least you're trying, that's all I'm asking.

Blond Superman: I'll ask. Get some sleep. Do your glow-y sunshine-y magic on Nico.

Sunshine Boy: I'm doing a little, and thanks.

Blond Superman: Night.

Will put the phone down and pulled Nico closer, closing his eyes. A warm yellow glow started from Will's hands, and started to form snake-like strings. These strings of light twisted and swirled around the couple, lighting up the room. The necromancer pulled his head away from Will, only a bit, and gaped in awe at the tendrils of warm light. Will's eyes opened as he watched Nico, smiling.

"How are you doing this?" Nico whispered.

"I don't know. It just happens sometimes. I've learned to control it. It's actually healing, which is neat." Will grinned at his boyfriend. Nico smiled contently and sleepily, and slurred, "It's really pretty. And kind of graceful. I like it. I love you."

From Scales and Feathers (A Percabeth AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora