The Dead Angel and Demon (PART 1)

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Enjoy the pic! I, of course, do not own the base picture, I don't think I own this version, either.

Magnus/overall 3rd POV

Magnus shifted toward the dip in the bed that he lay asleep in. He put his arm around the warm body that lay next to him. Even in his sleep, he knew who it was. Magnus smiled, and buried his head into the shoulder of his girlfriend.

"Hey, Alex." Magnus hummed.

"Morning, sleepy head." Alex smiled. Magnus smiled at the child of Loki.

"What time is it?" Magnus asked, still a little sleepy.

"About eight in the morning."

"Hmm. Five more minutes." Magnus ordered softly, to have Alex get up, "Hey! Come back!"

Alex shook her head at her boyfriend's sleepy order. Smiling, she lied back down on Magnus' bed. After ten minutes, Alex sighed, "Come on, Maggie."

Magnus didn't respond.

"Magnus, get up."

"No, I wanna sleep."

"Get out of bed." A head shake was the response. Alex sighed and picked Magnus up, making him squirm in surprise. Alex, unable to hold the moving body her size,(although, a little taller) dropped Magnus on the ground.

"Ow, Alex!" Magnus whined. The child of Loki smirked.

"Awake now?" Alex asked. Magnus groaned and nodded, getting up. A knock on the door startled the two. Sam then entered the room, looking at the two.

"You missed breakfast." she informed them. She looked at them, Alex standing over Magnus, who was on the ground. Sam then turned around and left. (Same, though. I would leave too.)

"Get up, Maggie. Let's go out today." Alex held her hand out. Magnus looked at Alex, and smiled, hoisting himself up with his girlfriend's help.

"Didn't you go out yesterday?" he asked.

"Yes, but alone. Come on, do you wanna sneak out or just go?" Alex asked, pulling her boyfriend along toward the door.

"I don't think they would like it if we sneak out." Magnus replied. Alex rolled her eyes at this.

"You're no fun. We're officially sneaking out." Alex grinned, still holding Magnus' hand. Magnus didn't even notice, and shook his head smiling at his girlfriend.

But as Alex started to the door, Magnus noticed something.

"Alex, what happened? Your shirt's a little stained." Magnus asked. Alarm bells went off in Alex's mind. She forgot to change her shirt. Mentally cursing, she turned to her boyfriend's concerned face.

"I could've been splattered by someone killing someone, you know how the hotel is." Alex quickly managed to come up with. This didn't deter Magnus.

"Splattered? Alex, it looks like you were stabbed. Don't say you got killed, the hotel gives clothes that aren't stained when you're healing. What happened, for real?" Magnus explained, coming closer to Alex. As he came closer he saw the panic and fear in her eyes, which made him more concerned and confused. But when he got within six feet of Alex, she started to back up for every step he took, shaking her head slowly. "Alex?" Magnus questioned quietly, as if trying not to startle a small fawn.

"Magnus, please don't ask. I don't-can't lie to you. And you could actually die. For real, no resurrection." Alex whispered, close to the door. Magnus nodded, and took smaller steps to her, once she had stopped backing up. When he got to Alex, Magnus wrapped his arms around her slightly shorter body. Alex wrapped her own arms around his chest.

"Do you still want to go out?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah. We could go surprise your cousin and go by her place. Do you know where it is?" Alex suggested. Magnus nodded, and went over to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts. Magnus then tossed it to Alex, who was looking at him curiously. While she caught it, she nodded and silently went into the bathroom to change.

Too silently, Magnus realized. Everyone made some kind of noise while they walked. But Alex didn't. Her steps were completely silent, and that startled Magnus. He hadn't noticed it before. Of course, he was usually doing something when Alex came or left. He was just standing there right then and realized.

A few seconds later, Alex came out of the bathroom and tossed her shirt into the basket nearby. Magnus could barely make out the stain on the back, a stain that looked too much like blood mixed with dark green liquid. Magnus had a slight idea on what it was, but he didn't want it to be true.

"Are we going or are you just going to stare into space?" Alex grinned. Magnus jolted himself out of thought and opened the door. The two einherjar ran down the hall, and stopped when they came to a seemingly random door.

"Is this the one?" Magnus whispered, they were hidden behind a plant. Alex nodded, and they crawled out, Alex opening the door. She darted out while Magnus held it. Then the child of Frey followed. They came out into an alley in Manhattan. Magnus looked around, getting his bearings, and walked out of the alley. Alex followed and grasped his hand, causing Magnus to glance back and smile at her. Soon, they came to a small apartment, and Magnus knocked on the door. Alex noted silently that this wasn't near the Jackson household.

"Yes?" a man asked. He then recognized Magnus. Alex had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing. The man's eyes almost bugged out of his face, his eyes darting around Magnus' face to ensure that this wasn't an illusion. "Magnus?"

"Hi, Uncle Fredrick. Is Annabeth home?" Magnus asked. The man, Fredrick Chase, seemed to mentally kick himself back into normal mode.

"No. She called yesterday and told me that she was staying with Percy, he had gotten himself an apartment and offered it up for her." the elder Chase explained, "Magnus, before you go, could you answer me a question?"

Magnus nodded, and Fredrick Chase sighed, "Are you a half-blood?"

Seemingly surprised by the question, Magnus explained, "Yeah. How did you know?"

Mr. Chase chuckled, "I'm Annabeth's father, Magnus. Who did my sister manage to catch?"

Alex's face split in a grin, cutting in, "Frey. I'm Alex, this dork's current girlfriend."

Fredrick smiled at the child of Loki, "Fredrick Chase. I hope I don't have to tell you to be careful, Magnus."

Magnus asked, "Where's Percy's new apartment?"

Fredrick turned around and wrote something down on a Post-it note, handing it to Magnus. The two thanked the man and left.

"That's your other uncle?" Alex asked. Magnus said something along the lines of yes. Alex commented, "I like him better than Randolph."

Magnus burst into laughter.

"Yeah, he's a lot better than Randolph." Magnus giggled, trying to calm himself. "Come on, I think we're close."

The two demigods rode the elevator to the fourth level and went down the doors until Magnus stopped at the third one. He then knocked on it.

"Yeah?" Percy asked, opening the door. Annabeth was standing with her arms crossed behind him, scowling at Percy. Percy himself was wearing a tank-top, and bleeding a little from some sword or knife wounds.


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