Chapter 9 Jenny the Rash Girl

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Jenny Balcom brushed her hair and she got ready for school.  Her mind in a tumult over what had transpired these last few weeks.

What was going on with Lola Loud? 

She was always the most popular girl in class (despite her nickname "the evil twin") always so glamorous and fun. Always the centre of attention. Usually surrounded by friends and admirers.

Jenny had hardly any friends.  Oh sure, There were two kids she played with sometimes but Jenny always had to be so careful about her skin she couldn't really roughhouse or go to the park or even take a trip to dairy land.

Jenny's two friends had friends of their own, sometimes they invited Jenny along but everyone knew Jenny was pretty much just an extra.

Then Jenny got the invitation to the Loud twins birthday party! She had never been invited to the Loud house before. In fact, neither Lana or Lola played with Jenny. Honestly, she thought someone must have made a mistake but she so rarely got invited to birthday parties she didn't ask questions.

The party was a disaster. Turned out almost all of Lola's friends had other plans that day and couldn't make it and Lola didn't realize.

Then Lola got upset about the gifts and everyone made fun of her.

Then Grabby Kathy stole Lola's doll and Lola went CRAZY and nearly ran everyone over with her little pink car.

Then things got even WEIRDER. Lola suddenly started hanging out with Jenny and asking about her interests. She even said they should talk more often.

But the next day Lola practically ignored her.

And the day after that she told Jenny they shouldn't hang out at all.

And then she changed her mind AGAIN! Lola came up to Jenny yesterday at recess and started apologizing. 

"Look Jenny. The truth is I do think your a smart girl and I really do want us to be friends. I just wasn't expecting Roxy to take everything so personally and I panicked. I know I hurt your feelings, saying I wanted to play with you and then turning you down. I'm sorry.  But now me and Roxy have talked it out, and I think it would be great if you and her came over to my house after school tomorrow.  We'll have....cookies. up? You play dress up right? That's something kids our age do?"

Jenny didn't know what to say to that. She had never played dress up before and had no idea what the other kids did for fun. "I guess."

"Satisfactory. Inform your parents and meet me and Roxy out front after school. Mrs Lou-....My mom....will pick us up."

Jenny looked at herself in the mirror. The hideous red blotch on her face looked more red than usual this morning. But the blotches on her body seemed okay. She just needed to keep her face out of the sun and she should be fine.  Jenny then lifted her arms and looked under her pits. No boils. That means she would be able to run around without hurting herself. But what about Roxy?

Jenny cringed at the thought. Roxy the fairy was a really pretty girl who came to school in fancy dresses and had expensive toys. She and Lola always played together. Last time Jenny met her, Roxy was really mean and said Jenny had stolen Lola from her. Jenny hated it when people were mean to her. Like in her old kindergarten class. The kids always made fun of her and called her gross. This school was better, but only because the teacher insisted on it.

"Honey! its time for school!" Jenny smeared her ointment on the red blotches, took out her big red coat and put it on. pulling the hood over her head so her blotchy mark wouldn't look so bad.

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