Chapter one

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It hadn't been long after the brunette cooked dinner before noticing Henry wasn't down in the living room, she could have sworn he was sitting there waiting. Hopping out of her chair Regina headed upstairs to the overly sized bedroom that is Henry's, she gave him the biggest bedroom in the house , in hopes of gaining the young boys love.

Ever since Henry found out he was adopted it made it hard on him to open up to the idea of Regina being mother material, she tries so hard to make  him realize how much she works to keep their family happy , but no matter what she says they don't seem happy.

The window was open , rope hanging all the way to the side walk. He left again , of course . Regina quickly gets her shoes on and takes the pot off of the stove, starting to drive to the station in hopes of finding her son , this is his 2nd time running away.

The sheriffs door was open so the brunette slips in effortlessly, she lays eyes on graham before finding the small boy sitting right next to him , her eyes furrow at the boy

"Henry Mills ! Get over here" she demands in a stern voice causing her little one to jump up and walk to her presence

"Where did you run off to ? You never told me you were going" she asks trying to keep her calm

"I went to find my real mom !" He yells running out of the door angrily.

The brunette looks down on the verge of tears , there weren't a lot of times like this , where she would cry , but at this point she's had enough, wiping her face off and flinching off of the brightness when she opens her phone '8:30' she reads before hearing the deep voice

"I found Henry running not to far out of your house .. I was going to call you but" before he could finish she waves him off , she was choked in her words so she left  

tears falling softly against her cheeks and invading her neck as they fell, the breeze that came from outside was enough to make her pale cheeks red and her nose as well . Once she reached her house she steps inside kicking her boots off and ripping off her coat . The brunette walks in the kitchen to see the diner she had made was cold by now, so she moves herself to the fire in the living room , the heat slowly warmed up her cheeks, all sort of thoughts running through her mind but are disturbed with small foot steps coming from the stairs, her head turns to see henry staring at her , not in sorrow , but worried .

"Did you make food?" He curiously asks peaking his head in the kitchen

"That's all you have to ask? If I made you food?. Henry I am your mother , you just ran away from me" she strictly says earning nothing but sadness in his eyes.

" why do you push me away henry ?" Her eyes soften on him as she cups his cheeks and kisses his forehead.

Regina tries to be strict with him but it doesn't ever follow through . She thinks maybe that's the reason he has the need to push her away . Later that night regina was in bed looking at the ceiling.
Was she a bad mother ?
Why does henry do this when she's trying her hardest?
These things regina can't understand


The morning shines through the windows and the birds make their cheerful sounds telling everyone that morning has risen. The peaceful birds and sounds of life was interrupted with the loud alarm ,
Beep beep beep
The brunette lets a groan slip out of her mouth slowly sitting up and turning the annoying sound of her alarm off . Regina works from 9am-7pm everyday. It's not the funniest job , or the most interesting, but as a single mom it was regina seeking any form of pay to support her family . The current house that she's in was her mother's , her mother payed off the house but soon died when regina was only 13, so it is big , but that's just something Reginas lucky for .

Her eyes took some time to adjust to the lighting but it wasn't long until she was ready for work , dressed in a white shirt with a tie at the bottom and some comfortable black jeans , her hair had the slight waves and was resting against her neck. she finishes her look off with a dab of perfume, the sweet cent of apples . Henry had already left for the bus , he's 11 in the fifth grade so he leaves around the time regina wakes up , she always makes sure to make his lunch the day before and keep in the fridge .

When regina arrives at the restaurant she's happily greeted by her best friend, ruby . Her and ruby have known each other since kids but now that they work together they're extra close . Ruby throws her the apron with a smile

" how was your weekend ?" She hums

"Not that good .. Henry ran away again" regina reply's with a sad look on her face

The brunette puts her hand on Reginas arm "I'm sorry regina. Why did he run off"

"He claims that he ran off to find his real mom. I'm trying my hardest to be a mom figure , but ever since he found out he was adopted he's just turned on me" she says with sadness in her eyes

" oh regina , I'm sure you're doing more than a great job , have you tried talking to him about it?" She questions softly

"Yes , I've tried everything, I don't know what to do ruby"

"You'll figure it out, I know you will , and if you ever need someone to talk to is here , you know that" she tells her confidently

"Thanks rubbs, I appreciate it" a smile appears on Reginas face before getting to work


Regina grabs her phone after hearing a notification, she sees a message from ruby pop up

Hey regina, how are you holding up?

I've been better, but I'm handling it pretty good

Good.. there's going to be an event at rabbit hole tomorrow around 9 pm, maybe I'll see you there ?

Yes , I would love that. I'll drop henry off at belles house or something

Great I can't wait !

A smile appears on Reginas face as she finally falls asleep excited for the day ahead, Regina hasn't had a break or gone to any bar for a while and it's mainly because she wants to be with Henry and can't find a babysitter .

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