Chapter two

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The brunette was wearing a mid thigh black dress and black heal boots, her red lipstick and black mascara to finish the touch. She had just dropped henry off at belles house and gotten ready for her night at Rabbit Hole.

Every one is dancing and drinking , Regina bites the inside of her lip exploring around for ruby

"Regina" ruby says excited and holds a drink out "here, drink" she tells her

The brunette chuckles and takes the drink from her, downing it before ruby drags her to the bar area and sits with her

"Tonight's the night to let yourself go regina" she says while flagging the bar tender down and getting 4 shots , she slides 2 to regina and grabs the salt as well as lemons

"Oh god" regina bits the inside of her lip

"Come on gina ! This will be fun, put the salt on your thumb , lick , take the shot and suck the lemon"

"Okay okay" regina grabs the salt doing as told

"One .... two .... three!" She shouts and we lick our thumbs as well as downing the shot and sucking the Lemon

"That was awesome !" She says already pouring the salt for the next , she passed it to ruby and lets her do the same

After way too many shots and a lot of fun regina stands up Almost stumbling to the dance floor as ruby was hanging onto her arm chuckling

"Oh regina, look how cute that girl is" she directs her attention to a red head dancing drunkly off of her boyfriend

"I'd prefer someone like her" regina points to a light haired girl that was dancing alone

"Go get some then!"

Regina chuckles at her statement slowly walking towards the woman before both of them catch their eyes on the girl swaying around

"Shit she's beautiful" ruby practically moans watching the girl

"She is cute isn't she" the other brunette hums watching the mysterious figure sway to the music

"Go get her regina , I doubt you can"

Regina chuckles and shakes her head "she has a man, look" the girl walks to a man and kisses on him and Regina looks back at ruby rolling her eyes and sighs

"It could just be a fling regina !" She tells her while watching the girl dancing on him

"All the pretty girls always have to be taken" regina spats making ruby chuckle

Regina wasn't going to stop her fun now though , she pulls ruby on the dance floor and they dance freely , having the time of their life , the music was loud and booming while their drunk body's were wildly moving until the songs over and ruby goes to get a drink, a tall Fairly handsome guy bumps into her

"I'm sorry beautiful, what's your name ?" He tries to flirt at the brunette

"I'm ruby" she says with a blush as regina watches them carefully and chuckles

"I'm Matt" he holds out her hand and She shakes it

They continue their conversation and Regina wanders to herself what it would be like to find someone, she rolls her eyes at the idea knowing no one would like her, she's only been with one person and that's Daniel, her first love , she was around 16 when they started dating and a year later he died in a car accident, Regina was devastated and her dreams of finding a one and only had been crushed after that. Right now she just wanted someone to give her a hug and tell her she's not alone, that they love her . The pair finally break away and she sees ruby hopping happily to Brunette her happiness made regina happy as well

"So? How did it go??"

"Good it went good" She tell regina with a smile and show her the paper with the strangers number on it

"Good ! Great ruby I'm proud of you !" She claps her hands dramatically and looks at the number

Both of them dance and talk having a fun time , soon it gets late and Regina decides to head home , she immediately kicks off her boots and changes  out of the dress, she was mess right now , a drunk stupid mess just hoping that she'll be okay for work tomorrow, once she got in bed she fell asleep almost immediately and didn't wake up until morning


Reginas POV
It had been a long long day at work and I was simply exhausted, if I were to complain about one thing at my work , it would have to be the attitude I get from customers, some are just flat out rude . The drunk hangover yesterday is a blur , I don't remember anything that happened , that's not until I go to reach in my purse and find a million texts from ruby . I was completely knocked out . shrugging  to myself and looking at my phone .

Hey regina ! Yesterday was super fun! I don't remember a lot of it but when I woke up I found a phone number in my purse , that means there's a cute guy or girl I'm about to text ? How exciting is that ??

I chuckle at her enthusiasm before feeling all sorts of jealousy , I wish I had found someone , I wish I was texting one of those cuties

lol I'm happy for you ruby

Thanks, I'll see you at work later !

I groan to myself realizing I have work and that my hours suck

I actually have to take a rain check , I'm not feeling good

Was that a 100 percent a lie ? No . I actually don't feel good today however right now I have to go get henry from belles house. The wind is still cold but not as cold as it was the other day.

When I pull up at the house I see henry walking to my car silently with no emotion

"Hey , how was your time with belle?"

"Good .." he says softly and looks out the window

Once we get home I make diner, this time it was spaghetti with Alfredo salsa as well as salad for me . I hand him a plate and smile , sitting next to him

"Thanks mom" he tells me and it brings a smile to my face , i love him with my whole heart and everything

" you're welcome sweetheart , is it good ?" I ask sweetly , trying to get him to talk more

"Yeah , and I have a question" he mumbles while taking big bites which always upsets me , I try to teach him his table manors

"What is it henry ? And take smaller bites" I tell him while eating , the food was absolutely delicious, my specialty.

"Can you help me find my birth mom?"

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