Chapter three

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"Can you help me find my birth mom?"

Right when he asks , I look at him carefully
"I don't know .."

I hear him sigh and stand up going to his room and I'm filled with guilt, thinking I might have done something to upset him, I really hope I didn't . All I said was that I don't know.


Early this morning I got up and got myself in a casual but comfortable outfit for the day , not caring about how messy my hair was. today I need to go to the store and pick up some groceries for the house. I peek my head in the small crack of my sons door , he's peacefully sleeping in his bed and I can't just wake him up, so I decided to call belle who's more than happy to watch him, they get alone very well and I know she won't mind .

Once I'm out of the house I get in my car and drive to the corner store which isn't far, it's the store I tend to go to most of my trips , the only thing they don't have is detergent , and I know this because a few nights I had came here and they only had towels and ect. Not what I was looking for.

It wasn't long before I was out of there with all the stuff I needed and was headed to run a few more errands, I feel the vibration of my phone In my pocket, when I open it i read 'ruby' at the top, I sigh softly

That sucks gina, I hope you feel better . I'm actually thinking about quitting and working at the rabbit hole , it seems more fun.

Oh thats a good idea , maybe I can come with you?

Of course you can regina ! There's 2-3 spots open , one of them is a bar tender , I guess the one they have now is leaving

I read the text and it makes me think back to the days when I was a bar tender , I was 21 at the time and it was a decent job, maybe this could be good for me

Sure ! I can't wait , where are the applications??

They're on the rabbit hole website , here's the link

She sends the link to me and I smile, thanking her
before putting my phone back in the purse and leaving one of the places, I head back home and open the door to Henry drawing with belle , which makes me smile

"Hey henry , what are you drawing ?" I peek my head over at his drawing

"Im drawing what I think my birth mom looks like" he says with happiness in his voice

I slouch down more and look at belle , she stands up and I walk with her to the kitchen

"I didn't know there would be a problem with him drawing her" the woman's soft voice hummed

" it's just he's been talking about her a lot recently and I don't know what's gotten into him" I cross my arms Below my chest

"And that's a problem? He's just curios where he came from" the blue eyes look at me and I clear my throat

"Right , I think it's time for you to go" I puff and uncross my arms walking away

I know That lashing out on belle wasn't the right thing to do, especially since she just watches my kid for me , but I kind of hurt that he's constantly bringing her up and doesn't talk to me a lot , and when he does it's about his birth mom .

My bed was soft and cozy , definitely fit for a queen. My thoughts were flowing rapidly through my brain , I could go to the station and get information in his birth mom, but is that really what's best ? Ugh I can't think about this right now and it's best to go to sleep and get the nights rest .


The next morning was rainy and a bit fogged which made it hard to see myself to work , I decided to quit with ruby and go to the rabbit hole to work , so I put my two week notice in and click the link , I quickly filled out the form when I felt a tap on my shoulder making me snap my head back , a tall dark skin man stood behind me nervously itching his neck

"that's my seat miss" he says softly causing me to get up and nod

"Okay .. I'm sorry I didn't know" I was too distracted by the form to notice what seat I was sitting at in the restaurant

"Do you live here?" I turn to see the brown eyes flick to me

"Yes I do . I'm regina"

" it's nice to meet you regina , I'm Eli" he smiles at me and I smile back

"I'm looking for a job , I just got here."

" oh ? What type of jobs are you looking for?" I ask the stranger

" I want to be in the police force , or investigate" he admits while eating his burger

"There's an open spot at the police station just around the corner , I can give the sheriff your information" he nods excitedly and I chuckle writing the information on him down as he tells me .

" I'll make sure to give it his way okay ?" I give the stranger a small smile receiving one back before leaving

It already was getting dark but not dark enough for the station to be closed or anything , I walk inside to find the sheriff sitting in his rolling chair on his phone , he looks up at me and flashes a smile

"Hey regina , what's up?"

"Well, I met this guy , Eli. He wants to look into taking the open spot here in the station" I say handing him Eli's information and a smile forms In the corner of his lips as I hand him the forms

"Great, I'll look into it regina, thank you" he says and I begin to leave before turning back to him

"Uhm .. I, was wandering if you could help me find information on Henry's Birth mother?" I ask biting my lip nervously

He gasps softly looking at me "really? Uh yes of course I can help, I'll find any information I can tomorrow okay?"

Once I'm back out in the cold air I think to myself, what did I just do ? I guess this is best , whatever Henry wants I need to try to help him, he'll see I'm trying. Do I have any interest in this birth mother ? No, but I care for Henry and that's what he wants so tomorrow I'll help graham find her.

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