Chapter six

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"How would you like a glass of the best apple cider you've ever tasted?" I ask with a small smirk on my face , but I can tell it makes her uncomfortable so Instead I step back to let her in

"Sure ." She smiles and walks inside , I follow behind her

"So what's your name?" I look into her green pearls as she sits down

"I'm Emma, Emma swan" she flashes me a smile that makes me blush

" it's a pleasure to meet you ,ms swan, I'm regina" Suddenly I'm completely aware of the awkward silence and so I make my way to the kitchen Grabbing the apple cider and put my touch of cinnamon to it

"Henry's always talked about finding you.. " I tell the blond while handing her the cup and all I get is a soft nod from her

"Why did you give him up..?" I ask

"Uhm .. I wasn't in the best situation, and I was young * she looks down taking a sip of the apple cider

I not softly "okay . How's the cider?"

"Good" she smiles "best cider I've ever had"

Her comment makes me smirk and I can't lie , I've taken a shine to the new addition. "I'm glad" I reply

"I like this house, it's nice" I watch her eyes wander around my house

"Well, it's my moms, she passed it down to me"

"And what about your dad?" The blond curiously asks and my hands shake slightly at the sensitive topic

"He .. died" I admit , my eyes drifting to the ground

"Oh .. I'm sorry" I can tell she's genuinely sorry from her voice , and I nodded

"I think you should go .."

"Yeah .. thanks for the apple cider , I hope to see you around ? And Henry" Emmas voice was soft and elegant , it made my heart warm and fuzzy inside.
"Oh and , can I have your phone number so I can stay in contact with you?" She continued

"Yes of course" I bring my phone out handing it to her as we exchange phone numbers "I'll text you plans" she nods and thanks me one last time

Once the new stranger is gone I head upstairs and see henry sound asleep, I was going to come give him his consequences for leaving but he was already out . I go downstairs and finish cleaning up in the kitchen, the blond still stuck in my mind, and I had no idea what it was , those eyes or that body , but something had me . By the next morning I could have sworn I had emma painted in my mind, I snap back into reality when Henry runs downstairs to find me in the kitchen

"Mom!  Can I go see Emma today ?" My face scrunches at his question, did he already forget the fact that he disobeyed me yesterday

"Henry, yesterday you had me very worried , and for running away as well as not answering my texts , now you are grounded from the video games and your phone , for two weeks" I look him sternly in the eyes and his expression completely changes

"But mom.."

"No buts Henry, you don't take me seriously and there's going to be a change , understood ?" My stomach was turning from having to ground my son, he's my one weak spot

"Yes ma'am ." His voice was cold and sad , I watch him walk away and a sigh leaves my mouth

"Get ready and I'll take you to Emma" even though he was grounded, he deserved to see his mom, I pull out my phone from my side pocket and find Emmas number

Hey miss swan, Henry wanted to come stay the day with you, is it okay if I drop him off?

It was about 12 am and the sun was shining through our windows , Henry was getting his shoes on and I spot him carrying some board games , but just a few minutes pass before I get a text back

Yeah of course, I'd love to see him when will you be over?

Is 12:30 good?

Yeah that's fine , I'm at the new apartment a bit left of your street

The perfume from my wrists smelled of apple crisp , my favorite desert , anything with apple I love including apple pie, fruit  salad with apples , apple cider. When I drink my apple cider I always heat it up . Henry gets in the car with me and the smell of fresh cut grass from our neighbors, I hated the smell ever since I was little , so I pinched my nose and kept on moving until my car pulled in front of the small apartment building and the blond was already sitting on the steps waiting for our presents . I didn't know if the blond wanted to talk to me or not so I just wave from my window as Henry climbs out of the car, I get a wave back from her and yell bye to Henry before going back home .

Henry stayed the night at emmas because of course I had my night shift, I forgot to tell her but she never dropped henry back off so I just feel into my slumber . About 2 hours after waking myself up was when I went back to that old apartment building and knocked on the rusty door until the familiar face opens it and we're face to face again

"Hey regina . Henry's getting ready right now" her raspy morning voice was the cutest thing and I just nod waiting patiently

"Thanks for watching him by the way" I mumble softly but enough for her to hear me because her eyes flutter to mine and she smiles softly

"Oh it's no problem, he's a good kid , you did good" her comment made my day , I never thought I was the best mom to Henry and obviously this woman admires how I taught him , so I guess I'm not all that much of a failure.

"You think ?"

"Of course regina , you raised him good I can tell" her smile got bigger and so did mine as well as my cheeks getting twice as red, thankfully Henry care between us or I swear I'd be falling into this woman's embrace right now

"Bye mom" he tells her before leaving and going back home with me , I make him immediately start on chores and start working around the house , after all he is grounded for his behavior that day . I don't make him do really hard chores or anything, just the basic stuff like , taking the trash out, folding the clothes, and washing the dishes, Hes told to keep his room clean as well, after all , he's growing

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