Chapter eleven

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The sun peaks through my windows letting light shine through and wake me up , I yawn and stretch my limbs , the feeling of not having to wake up and go to work is unexplainable and I love it . My eyes find the clock on the wall and it reads '9:40' so I get up and throw on the closest thing to an outfit . When I make my way to my sons bedroom I find him sleeping peacefully in his bed and it causes a smile to appear on my face . All of my muscles relax and I go down to the kitchen , right before I start my cooking I hear a knock at the door so I go answer it

"Regina ! Hey" of course it was the blond standing ourself of my door with the biggest smile

"Emma, what are you going here?" I look down at the bag she's holding and scrunch my face up "what's that?"

"Your breakfast" she walks in, uninvited and I roll my eyes following her

" I don't eat out" I huff in a joking way

"Well you're gonna eat this" she hands me the food and I chuckle looking in the bag at the hash brown and biscuit

"I'll make due with it I guess" I sit down and take the food out

"Say thank you" she demands and her tone makes me laugh

"Thanks" I tell her before eating , she sits with me and smiles , proud of herself for making me say thank you

"How does it taste?"

"Good . For fast food at least" She rolls her eyes at me sarcasm but takes the compliment and we finish up our food

"So I'm guessing Henry is still sleeping ?"

"Yeah, we had a long day yesterday so of course he is"

"Good , he needs his sleep" she smiles "he's a good kid"

"I know" I smile and stand up throwing our trash away and I lead her to the living room

"So.. how'd you sleep?" She asks plopping on my couch

"I slept good, especially after yesterday" I give her a teasing smirk and she gives me one back

"Is that so ?" I could feel the smirk in her lips , my eyebrow peeks at the question

"Of course " I give her a wink before standing up "I'm going to go wake henry up but I'll be back down in a minute" I stand up and go to my sons room, waking him up and watching as he rubs the tiredness out of his eyes

"Come on henry , your moms here , we're going to go out" I smile at him and he gets up

"Okay !" I chuckle and leave , letting him change and meet the two of us downstairs, Emma was rumbling through her purse , she pulls out the small phone and a smile spreads on her face

"What is it?" Her skinny body makes its way to me and holds the phone out

"Oh?" The blond looks at and back at the picture. It was a picture of a park , my eyes squint and look back at the blond

"It's not far from here .. 45 minutes maybe?" She shrugs the number off like its nothing but a walk away, I puff at her and cross my arms

"So you wanna go there today?"

"Yeah It'll be fun! what do you think henry ? Do you wanna go to the park?" The blond questions henry , who had just gotten downstairs but he was already nodding his head in excitement

"Alright alright, we can go" i confirm and slowly remember how long it's been since I've taken henry to the park

It was sunny outside but just the right temperature, my dress feel right below my knee, not quite fitting the occasion given how many kids are running around and screaming. Henry was having fun though , I could tell by his bright face and how he was running around with the other kids. Im so proud of my son , he's such a big boy now and I miss him being a baby .

"Regina are you okay?" She snaps me into reality which makes me sense that she noticed me gazing off.

"Huh?" My head snaps to her before nodding "oh, yeah"

"Tell me what's on your mind" there's that curious face again , I always give in when she does that

"I miss him being this happy .." I admit , now playing with my fingers nervously, that's when I feel her hand on mine and those green pearls watching me

"I'm glad I get to enjoy times like this with you" her fingers interlock with mine, causing me to smile brightly , my son was playing almost the rest of the day , other than stopping by quick restaurants for food .

I found my feet propped on the leather of my own couch and after such a long day it's a relief to be home, Henry was sound asleep in his room while the blond was fixing me cocoa . Her choices in food never really attracted me , but I had to respect the sexy blond behind the counter, god she's amazing . Her lips hover over the mug in her hand and she blows away the steam before sipping it , I do the same

"Come sit" she pats her lap for me and I was taken back by her request

"A-are you sure?" I question , earning an immediate nod from her

"Yes gina .. I don't bite" she chuckles and I nervously climb on her lap facing her

"Hi" she teases and puckers her lips and I automatically kiss her , it wasn't long before our tongues were fighting for dominance and I win. Her hands were wrapped around my waste , pulling me impossibly closer

"You're so sexy" her breath was against my neck , accompanied with sweet kisses all over my flesh , she sucked just the right sweet spot , making goosebumps appear all over my skin.

"Emmaa" I groan and my eyes flutter open , meeting hers

"Yeah ?" The blond runs her fingers through my silky black hair causing me to blush

"No hickeys" I tell her sternly but cute

"No hickeys" she repeats and connects our lips once more "I should get going though" Her words make me pout

"Will I see you tomorrow?" My legs find their way up, walking Emma to the door

"Maybe .. I have some grocery shopping to do but after that ?"

"Well.. I'm working at tomorrow night so if I leave before you get here then we can always make plans for this weekend?" I suggest

"That sounds like a good plan" she kisses my cheek "bye gina, I'll text you and let you know what comes up"

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