Chapter seven

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There's some Cute swan queen scenes! 💞

I'll be updating soon! Enjoy!

"Regina ? Regina wake up !" I hear my name being called and suddenly open my eyes to see the brunette beside me

"What happened?" I guess I must have fell asleep in the middle of work because I was in the rabbit hole

Ruby shakes her head softly with a chuckle " you fell asleep, come on let's get back to work, I nod and continue pouring drinks and taking people's orders, then a familiar face appears walking closer, it's Emma , my lips curl into a smile as she approaches me

"Oh regina hey" she smiles sweetly "I didn't know you worked here"

"Oh , well I do , I'm the bar tender" I stated the obviously

"Okay, well it's nice to see you again" I watch her eyes drift to ruby who's beside me

"Hey, I'm ruby, who are you sexy" she holds her hand out and I see a smirk on her face, that's when I feel jealousy hit me, did ruby just try and flirt with her? After they make a small exchange I grab Ruby's arm and pull her to the side so Emma can't hear our conversation

"Ruby what was that?" I huff

"What was what?"

"You flirting with her" I admit and she starts laughing

"So now I can't flirt with people?"She says and my eyebrows furrow , I don't like people giving me attitude

"Not with her" my eyes drift to the blond who was curiously looking at me , I can tell she was trying to put together what we were saying .

"Not with her? Regina it sounds like you're jealous"

"Shut up, no I'm not" She doesn't believe a word I say , and just crosses her arms staring me down as if she was disappointed and wanted Information from me

"Fine okay ? It might be a small one, but nothing big ." I start playing with my fingers ashamed of admitting how I feel, it's never something I'm good at and if She wasn't my best friend there's no way I would have told her, but she knows when I'm lying and when I'm not

"You should ask for her phone number"

"I already have it rubs" that's when I see her eyebrow raise as a smirk appears on her face

"Oh?" She questions me earning an eye roll

"Ruby.. that's Henry's Birth mother" damn it I forgot to mention that

"She is?? How did you find her?"

"Henry did actually, graham helped him.. but I have her number so she can hang out with him"

"Well, I can always watch henry , if you wanna you know hang out with her" Ruby's eye brows wiggle and I chuckle at her

"Yeah right"

"Regina , just try . I bet she likes you too"

"Speaking of her , she's waiting" I mumble and we both head back to the blond who's eyes were now on the crowd dancing

"You wanna dance? I think Reginas in break now and she'd love to dance" ruby tells the blond and my eyes snapped to her, stopping her from continuing, god this was embarrassing , I watch as the blonds eyes land on me , causing me to bite my lip softly

"Is that true regina?" She asks

"I -uh"

"Go regina" ruby pushes me towards the dance floor , basically giving me off to Emma and she waves me off, smiling big, but I wasn't smiling , I was scowling at her

before I got too mad Emma grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor , that's when all of my nerves calm down and I'm in the moment, just me , and Emma. She moves her hands to my waist and pulls me closer to her , my hand rest around her neck and we sway our hips together, I can feel the biggest blush across my face right now and I know it's noticeable.

"You're beautiful" Emma tells me and I blush impossibly harder , our heads were pressed together and i remain quiet , still taking in the moment, then she spins me and pulls me back in her arms. This woman was amazing , and she new how to dance so good , I just followed her lead the whole time, swaying my hips and pulling her closer. It has been so long since I ever got this with someone.

Time was going by fast and the song already ends , we pull away from each others embrace and I look in her green pearls, they made me feel as if I was lost in a sea, trying to find my way out . They were absolutely beautiful

"That was fun" her soft voice breaks  the silence

"It was.. thank you Emma" I smile and look down at my fingers , all of a sudden being shy around my crush . I feel a finger pressed under my chin forcing me to look at the blond , she leans over and kisses my cheek softly , we both blush and I smile at her

" I'll see you tomorrow okay ? Maybe all three of us could hang out?"All I could do was nod , I was speechless and falling even mote for this woman .

After the night was over , I was completely exhausted, kicking my shoes off and getting in bed, Henry is with belle right now. I get in bed after taking a long hot shower to refresh myself, I was surprised to find Emma in my recent text notifications

Hey beautiful, I had a really fun time with you tonight , maybe I can come pick you and Henry up tomorrow and we can go to the arcade ? Maybe we can get some ice cream

I smile at her message, she's such a little cutie , and even though I thought I wouldn't end up liking her I have started to not only like her but want to spend time with her.

I had a lot of fun too! And we should for sure hang out tomorrow, I'm pretty tired so I'm going to go to sleep and then I'll text you when I wake up

I send the message with a big smile on my face , I'm actually really excited to see her again, and not only that but to spend family time together. I guess she's family now

Okay It's a date! I hope you sleep tight

I chuckle at her calling it a date and roll around on my pillow , replying

Goodnight Emma!

Goodnight regina😴😻

I quickly put my phone down on my bedside table and my eyes immediately shut , causing me to fall immediately to sleep, after thinking so much about the blond , I was sure to dream about her tonight

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