Chapter ten

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This is the chapter you've been waiting for 💕

After I feel her lips on my cheek, a smile appears on my face as well as a big blush, but I change the subject to food , grabbing the ingredients I need for my special lasagna. While I cook and find my ingredients, the blond helps me layer it with cheese and make my final result

"Now what?" She curiously hums

"Now we put it in the oven and wait" I smile sweetly , popping the pan in the oven and setting the timer .

"You're so cute when your cooking" she tells me and I immediately feel my cheeks get red all over again

"No ones ever told me that" I tell her

"We I guess now I'm the first" she grabs my hand placing a kiss on it and our son comes downstairs just in time for him to set the table, he puts the napkins and silverware out before every meal , as well as taking everyone's dishes to the sink . The chores I give him aren't too much to ask, after all he's almost a teenager .

Once he's done we hear the ding on the oven and I carefully pull out the dish

"It smells good mom"

"Thanks henry, Emma help" I tell him before looking at the blond and flashing her a smile

"Really?? I thought you couldn't cook"

Emma chuckles "you learn something new every day kid, now sit down and we'll eat" he follows orders and we all sit down taking a bite

"Regina , this is so good !" Emma gasps eating more and it makes me smirk

"I'm glad you like it" I smile , I did cook good and Henry was use to these big meals

"Thank you mom"

"Your welcome henry, is it good?"

"Yes of course, you're the best cook ever" he says between bites and I was too happy to comment on him chewing fast .

Soon all of us got full and Henry takes our plates to the sink like I taught him

"He has good manors" Emma states

"Yeah , he learned it all from his mom" I proudly nod along as I was watch my son wash them off and plop on the couch

"I'm exhausted now" he says holding his stomach and both Emma and I join him on the couch .

" why don't you go to bed kid?" Emma looks at him

" I don't know. I think maybe I'm just full"

"Or you need rest" I comment , nudging his shoulder and he shrugs it off

" maybe , but first can I have a piece of candy?" Instead of asking me, his eyes here glued to Emma, and I knew exactly why .he knows emme would be most likely to say yes to candy than me.

"I thought you were full" her eyebrow raises at Henry

"Yeah, but just one piece and I'll go to sleep" he begs

"Ask your mom" she tells him while ruffling at his hair And his eyes turn to me

"Can I?"

"Can you what ?" I play around with him so that he'll learn how to ask people for things

"Can I have a piece of candy .."

"Please?" I question Him

" please" he finally says the magic word and I nod

"One piece and then straight to bed okay?"

"Okay thanks !" I watch him go to the small jar that I keep candy in , he pulls out a piece and unwraps it, popping it in his mouth

"Before you go to bed don't forget to brush your teeth okay ?" I make sure that he brushes his teeth everyday so that he doesn't get stuck with cavity's .

"Okay I won't" he comes and gives us both a big hug "goodnight moms, I'll see you tomorrow"

" goodnight" the both of us tell him and he runs upstairs, shutting his door

I slowly look over at the blond and smiles shyly "I really had a lot of fun today.."

"I did too" she grabs my hand and kisses it

"Emma .. what are we, what is this?" I can tell my question makes her think for a minute

"What do you mean?" She drops my hand

"I like you em.." admitting my true feelings was hard but I managed to get a big smile from the blond which made my stomach her butterflies

Her fingers brush across my cheek softly and I can feel my goosebumps rise, she leans in and rests her forehead on mine

"I like you too, but I don't know if I'm ready to date .."the blond explains And my heart drops a bit

"Yeah .. I understand" I slowly pull back but she pulls me back in and for the first time I feel her soft against mine, it was slow at first but my tongue starts demanding entrance and that's what she gave me , after kisses her deeply , she sucks on my bottom lip and slowly pulls back, letting it go . Our heads rest on each other and I let out a soft sigh of relief, I've been wanting a moment like that with her ever since we met.

"That was.."

"I know" I smile at the blond who's fingers were moving through my hair

I can't believe she kissed me, I enjoyed that moment a lot and I just want to kiss her again and make sure she never leaves, make sure that she stays in my arms forever. I'm in love with Emma swan , the mother of my kid.

"I should get going" the blond stands up and I grab her hand

"Why so soon?" I pout my lip begging for a kiss

"It's getting late gina, but I'll be back here first thing in the morning okay?" She leans down and kisses me softly , making me desperate for more

"Okay .. be safe though"

"I will , thanks for letting me take you and henry out , I enjoyed myself" she smiles at me and I blush

"Maybe we can have another fun day tomorrow? It is the weekend after all" I give her a sweet smile that I know she can't say no too

"Of course we can , but we'll figure that out tomorrow okay ?"

"Okay.. goodnight Emma" I walk her to the door before getting on my tippy toes and planting a kiss on her forehead . Emma was only a few inches taller , but she was wearing boots which makes her seem even taller

"Goodnight beautiful" she smiles and catches my lips one last time before heading off into the fog . Good she's gorgeous

When I lay in my bed all I can think about is Emma , how her lips felt on me.. and what we'll do tomorrow.

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