Chapter nine

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More cute scenes coming >.<

All of a sudden it lands on a 100 tickets

"Emma! Look!" I was acting like a kid all over again and Emma takes out my tickets

"See, I have the magic touch" she tells me with a smile while rolling the tickets up for me

"Thank you Emma" I hug her and smile as I feel her arms around me, then I realize Henry's still there so I pull away

"Mom! You got 100 ticket !" He yells in excitement

"I know henry !" I smile big at him and he pulls me to another game putting his coins in and and playing

Soon we all ran out of coins and Emma leads us to the food line "what does everyone want?"

"Pizza" Henry says looking up at me as if he wanted my approval first , I nod at him and he smiles

"And for you regina?"

"Salad is fine" I take Henry's hand "we will be waiting at the booth" I say handing her some money but she refuses to take it

"Keep it regina, this is my treat" her smile makes me listen to her , I take henry to the table and sit down with him as he counts his tickets

"280!" He exclaims

"Wow Henry that's great ! You got so many ! What will you spend it on?" He starts putting his tickets back in the cup smiling at me

"I don't know .. I'll probably just get the big bouncy ball.. I saw a Star Wars action figure set up there, but it cost like 400" he sighs and looks down making my heart melt and I pull out my tickets

"Here Henry, I have 130, you can get it now" I smile brightly at him putting them in his cup

"Really?? Thanks mom!" His face lights up my face and I ruffle his hair in my hand nodding .

The blond finally arrives at the table holding three pizza slices and a salad , she hands the salad and pizza slice to me. I don't like eating pizza because it's not good for me but I didn't want to be rude when she just bought us food, its enough for her to even take us here .

"Thank you" I look into her beautiful green pearls and suddenly remember that night, when I danced with her , god she's so beautiful

"Yeah thanks Emma!" Henry starts eating the pizza fast

"Slow down henry , we aren't in a rush" I tell him and he slows down like told

We all finish eating and Henry throws the empty plates away, I ended up eating the pizza and it was actually really good but I'm super full now . Emma had gone in the line with Henry to get his rewards while I went to the restroom . Emmas been so supportive and kind through all of this , I have yet to open up to her about struggling with Henry , but she seems to understand without me even saying it, I'm falling for her hard now, and today made my love for her even worse , at times I just want her to scoop me in her arms and kiss me, to show me I'm not alone .

Henry and Emma were waiting for me , Henry was holding an action figure box , my heart immediately got happy knowing that he got what he wanted

"Henry did you get what you wanted ?" I smile

"Yes ! Thank you for the tickets" he gets up and hugs my wait tightly , I slightly tear up in happiness, I've never had such a fun day like this . Emmas eyes find mine and she silently asks me what's wrong , I reply by shaking my head and devouring this moment with my son, I love him more than anything and I'm so happy that he's being more loving around me , I wanted his trust and it's like ever since Emma got here, he's opened up more to me. Once he pulls away from my arms we happily walk to the car and I get in the passengers seat

"What did you get Emma?" I look at her

"Some candy and stuff" she shrugs and it makes me chuckle

"You're a kid" I mumble and she rolls her eyes

"I am not" she firmly states

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Yes you are"

We continue this playful argument until we get home and it was already time for dinner , or almost time at least. Henry went running upstairs to put his action figures away. When I make my way to the kitchen i find the blond leaning against the wall and I smile

" hey" I say softly , leaning against the sand wall

"Hey" her eyes twinkle and I can hear the slight smirk in her voice

"I had a lot of fun Emma .. more fun than I've had in a while , and I want to thank you" my eyes find their way to the floor , I felt embarrassed , I was never good at thank you's

" hey.." she places a finger under my chin and makes me look at her " I enjoy doing stuff with you and Henry" she smiles at me and I see her eyes drift to my lips for a quick second before the moment is interrupted by Henry walking in

"Moms , what are we having for dinner?" He asks and I clear my throat looking around the cabinets

"We have soup ? Or lasagna?"

"I love your lasagna" Henry tells me which makes my heart melt in happiness

"Aww, that's so sweet of you" I kneel by him and stroke his hair softly "would you like lasagna tonight ?" I ask softly

"Yeah , sure" he smiles and I look up at Emma , she nods which lets me know she's fine with having it too .

"I'll help you regina. Henry you should take your shower so that you're completely ready for bed and then we'll eat dinner"

"Okay mom" he rushes up the stairs and I tell him to slow down

The blond looks at me and I catch my lip between my teeth, I want to kiss her so bad .

"I have something for you"she says softly and I watch her get into her bag, pulling out a medium brown stuffed animal bear and hands it to me "I kind of lied in the car, I really got this for you" she smiles at me

"Oh em.. you didn't have to" I say holding the beat close, Emma was the sweetest for doing this

"No regina, I wanted too. And you deserve it" my cheeks are all red as I lean in to her , she smiles and places a kiss on my cheek

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