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it has been a day since seungmin told him not to go to work, he wasn’t sure if he was panicking over his brother or what’s happening there. what did seungmin mean? why is felix part of this? what’s happening?!

jisung panicked while walking back to his apartment. he sighed and looked around, it looked nothing like korea. “i miss it there.” he mumbled, looking at the trees, not noticing the SMALL rock infront of him.

as he was about to mumbled something again he tripped on the small rock. “oh shit- ” his legs hopped a bit but successfully held him up. “thank god.”


he arrived at his home as the clock striked 6:59, clearly earlier than his usual dismissal from the place he works. should i sneak to work tommorow? he thought and thought for a moment until he made his final decision. he will sneak to work tommorow and see what’s happening.

[time skip, sorry :/]

the boy woke up and did his daily routine and all those things. kind of late on arriving too but he didn’t mind.


“where is jisung? he’s kind of late today isn’t he?” felix asked chan, he nodded. luckily, the younger austrailian seemed to be kind of calm unlike yesterday.

“yeah, h-he is.” he stuttered, scared that felix might burst at him in any moment. the boy raised a brow at him, “did you just stutter?” chan let out a soft (scared to be exact, but he didn’t want to act like it) chuckle, “yeah, i’m feeling off today”

felix just shrugged it off and waited for jisung to appear, he was really excited for him to arrive.

exactly why seungmin told him to not go to work.

the austrailian was furious about the squirrel looking boy not going to work yesterday. not like how he acted on the three days where seungmin and jisung wasn’t there.

it was that time of the year again.

but jisung doesn’t know about that, nor does he need to know.

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shits abt to start 🤭🤭

psychoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن