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"you don't have to know. go out of the room, now." the unknown person said. chenle froze, he didn't know if he should listen to them or not. after seconds of thinking, he stayed. he honestly didn't know if what he did was right but he couldn't do anything else.

the mysterious person on the phone frowned, why wasn't he listening to him? shouldn't he be scared that he might get himself hurt? the said person tsked, "you aren't listening, are you? leave that place." they said again but chenle didn't move, he was getting anxious about what's happening. "tsk, why aren't you listening?!" they sighed and ended the call, groaning right after. "that boy is so stubborn!"

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im really sorry for this filler chap (again) :( i dont really have the motivation to write stories rn

yall can hate on me now for being a bad author :)

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