Chapter 5: Let's Party❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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Sorry for the pic, I ran out of cute BakuDeku pictures and don't want to go on Google to find more. But if you are wondering, the characters are King, and Gowther, from The Seven Deadly Sins. Anyway let's stop talking about them. Here's chapter 5.


Kacchan's POV

I was going to blow up someone! That f*****g B*****d! How could he we were best Bros! I just need to cool down. Before I could get to anyone I felt arms wrap around me. I look and there's Deku.

"Kacchan, please don't be mad!"
"Tch whatever."

He turned me around, and pinned me to the wall. I smerked grabbing him and turning so he was the one being pinned to the wall.

"You brought this on yourself."

I got in Dekus face, we were only millimeters away from each other. Deku was blushing like crazy.

"... Cute..." I thought.

I was cut from my thoughts when I felt something touch me. Deku had his hand right below my stomach. He looked at me after he realized what he just did.

"K-Kacchan I-I-"
"Deku, it's fine. You're ok."

I leaned twords him closing the gap between us. Kissing him, it took a little while before he kissed back. Deku pulled away gasping for air, when he caught his breath, he kissed me. I bit and licked his bottom lip. He let me in and we faught for dominanse. I won, and searched everywhere.

Deku's POV

Kacchan pulled away this time.

"K-Kacchan w-we can't d-do it h-here!"
"Why not?
"I-its not our house! What if someone hears us? Or sees us?!"
"Thats not gonna happen Deku."
"You don't know that Kacchan!"

Kacchan just walked off. I was left there, looking at him. I eventually moved and went to the main room. Kiri was sitting by himself, Kacchan was waiting for me and everyone else was talking and goofing off. When I walked into the room, everyone looked at me. I felt uncunfertable, but still went to sit next to Kacchan. I buried my face in his chest, hugging him tightly. He put his arm around me.

"Kacchan, I don't like them staring at me!" I wined, Kacchan just chuckled.
"It's ok Deku. I won't let them hurt you."
"Thanks Kacchan"

Kiri looked like he just got done cry. Wich he did. I looked at him, a lot of the girls saw this and looked at Kiri too. They all surrounded him, asking if he was ok. He didn't say anything.

"Kiri, I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't know."
"Your fine Midoria."

Everyone looked cunfused even Kacchan, Wich I found cute. I sat up, all the girls went and sat down. I got up and sat next to Kiri.

"I dont blame you if you hate me. I mean I would hate me too."
"Midoria I don't hate you."

We got interrupted.

"Let's play 7 minutes in heaven!"

Most of the teens agreed, so we played 7 minutes in heaven.

"Ok! So the first to go in is Bakugo and Midoria!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes!"

So me and Kacchan were sent to a room.

"Deku what was that?!"
"You just left me."
"Kiri was sad. I couldn't just do nothing."
"Yes you could have!"
"Kacchan calm down! I'm sorry I'm not the perfect 'I don't give a sh*t about the world.' I-I just can't sit around and watch my FRIEND feel bad about something."
"I don't want to hear it Kacchan! You've been nothing but a B***h ever since Kiri told you he liked you!... I thought you were a good guy, I guess that not everything's as good as they seem."

The door opened and I walked out of the closet not looking at anyone. I sat down, Kacchan sat next to someone I don't know who. They had purple hair, and bags under his eyes. Kiri looked at me as if asking what happened. I just shook my head.

"Madoria, you ok?"
"U-Uh yeah. I'm fine."
"What happened in there?"
"Just got in an argument. It's fine though."
"Oh Madoria, I'm sorry."
"It's ok. The one who got hurt wasn't me."

I looked at Kacchan who had his gaze on the floor. I did feel bad about what I said. I didn't mean to hurt him. I just was upset. I left the house, and went to Kacchans house.

Kacchan must have seen this, cuz he came to his house shortly afterwards.

"Kacchan I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's fine Deku."
"No It's not. You know it's not."
"Deku, it's fine. I know, I was acting like a jerk. I just-"

I put my finger on his lips, cutting him off.

"You talk to much."
"Says the one who mumbls."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I want to make it up to you."

And there I know I haven't been updating this book a lot. I'm sorry, I just have been at my dad's and haven't been able to have my phone a lot. That's it for this chapter. Byeeeeeeeeeee!

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