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So, hey people of the world! Sooooooooo, um Im gonna take a break from Wattpad for a while. Here's why, I keep geting this feeling that someone is watching me, and its not because Im one of the people that thinks everyone is watching me because Im pretty. Like I feel like someone is stalking me, trying to kidnap me. I think I might be parinoied. But the bad part us, I'm already terrified of people as is. Im taking 3 different medications. One for my ADHD, one for my Anxsity, and one for my depretion. My step mom (Who verbaly abusis me. But Im used to it by now.) thinks that I should get off my ADHD pills. Where I think I just need to be icelated from peiple from now untill I die.  Witch hopefully us soon. Anyway, so I might be gone for months. Sorryyyyyyyyyy!😭 Hooe you guys are having a better quorentine thwn I am😁

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