Chapter 11: Deku STOP

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Hey, so it is 11:11 p.m. I know I should be asleep, but as long as I get sleep, I should be fine. The song is me rn. The song was sent to me by my best friend who knows everything about me. Even the fact that I have tried to commit suiside multiple times. And everything that I was put through while at my dad's house. Also, update! The voices got louder 😫, and the suisidal thought went down a little. Also I made Hot Chocolate and it smells like fire. Is it sopost to smell like fire or not? Anyway, Here's Chapter 11!!!!!!


After hearing what that bitch did, I was pissed! I honestly have never wanted to kill anyone more! Deku tried to calm me down. It worked for a little. Then I remembered about the argument I had with Deku. I was now pissed but, not because I got my memory loss, but, because that little SHIT! It was HIS fault! HE desided to join the villions! HE is the one that got me into this mess. And HE is the one responsible for all the damaige, and hurt people, and most importantly, HE was the on that made me do this. I started to cry and wisperd "I'm sorry, I love and that is why I have to do this Deku. I don't want you to get hurt. I love so so so so very much." over and over again. I moved away frome him, and looked at him.


Until you c-can.........

Get you life ba-back together...." I said still crying. Deku hugged me and kept apologizing, and wouldn't let go.

"Kacchan please don't do what I think you are about to do. Please Kacchan. Think about this. I will change I promise. A-All I wanted to do was protect you. Please, I love you too much!"

"I love you too baby, but it has to be done. It just has to. I-Izuku M-Madoria, I-I'm say we should, Br-Brake u-up."

"Kacchan please no. I'll quit being a villion. I know all I've caused you is pain and suffering, but please Kacchan just one more chance. I-I'm not leaving you. I can't!"

"Deku,I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this." I said trying to push Deku off of me.

"YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME AND YOU KNOW IT! YOU KNOW THE ONLY REASON I BECAME A VILLION WAS BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU KNOW THAT ALL THAT I HAVE DONE I DIDN'T WANT TO DO! AND YOU KNOW THAT WITHOUT YOU, I'M NOTHING BUT A USELESS FUCKING STRIPPER THAT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DO ANYTHING BUT FUCK OTHER PEOPLE!" Deku was now in tears, on his knees, holding on to me like he was about to die. Witch only made it more hard on me then it already was. Not to mention the crowd of people gathering around to see what's going on. I didn't say anything to that. Just sat and stare at my first actual love. And to see him like this made me hate myself even more then I already do. My poor baby.

"I can't do this anymore baby. I-I'm just not sure I'm the right one for you. You're a villion, I'm not. You're really pretty, I'm not. You're really good at impressing people, I'm not. You-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP KATSUKI! I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOU! EVERY DAY WE ARE APART, I GET MORE, AMD MORE ANXIOUS! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU KACCHAN PLEASE!!!!" I looked in shock, so did the villions. That is, exsept for Toga. She most likely already knew. Deku let go of me and looked in a different direction.

"How long have you been doing this Deku?!" I asked looking at Toga. "Deku talk to me! Please. Just don't do it again. I-I'll stay. But please, just stop." I said falling on my knees.

"I'm sorry Kacchan. I-I just can't imagine living without you. I would give up everything for you. I love you to much to live without you. I-I just can't do it anymore." I started to cry for the 15,000,000,000,001 time

"Kacchan, crying is my thing. You can't steal it from me. You have your own thing." He said, and hugged me.

"F-fuck you Deku."

"If it will make you feel better." I blushed and glared at him. He giggled and sat up.

Sorry for it being so depressing, but I just started wrighting and just couldn't stop.😅 If your mad at me, your not the only one.

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