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"aagh!" I groan while bumping my head a several times against my desk.

"why can't I find a job" I sigh.

"I told you, just go on part time job
for a while until you find an actual proper job." bom-seok suggests while hopping on my bed.

I turn my rotating chair to face him.
"who told you that you can lay on my bed?" I cross my atms. tapping my index fnger on my arm.

He sits down "KyuRi are you giving me an attitude?" he raises an eyebrow on me.

this is bom-seok. not my brother, not my boyfriend, but my bestfriend. I am currently staying with him at his apartment but we do have seperate rooms. never thought of him that much But yes. I do admit I do have a crush on him on some certain times only. you know what I mean?

right now. I dont have a crush on him
and I dont think I ever will.

"okay fine." He takes my wrist and carefully pulls me out of my room.

I stare at his hand that's holding
onto my wrist right now.


I heard three knocks on my
office door. I take a quick glance
on the camera it was my assistant.

"come in." I say bluntly
giving my attention back on my
paper works.

the door opens then closes once again.
"Mr. Ajero. I want to infrom you
that... I'm going to resign."

I stopped my actions. and look up at her. "Seja, why... why is this so sudden?"
I chuckle sadly.

"here is my resignation form. Mr. Ajero" She walks at the side of my desk

please don't.

she slowly drops a folder with paper on the table.

"After two years... why are you leaving?
why do you suddenly want to resign?"
I can't keep my eyes straight at her. it just hurts me.

she holds her hands together looking down on the floor.
"I'm sorry Mr. Ajero. but I have to move to Canada in the next months. and I will
have my work with my siblings there.
I'm really sincerely sorry."

"Seja. can't you reconsider?...dont leave me." my voice faded on the last words.

I soon felt a hand on my shoulder.
making me tilt my head to the side
tracing my eyes on her hand up
to her beautiful face that I was
treasuring the most.

"hey, don't be like that. you'll find a
better assistant than me. just trust
yourself and let me resign my job.
my dream is in Canada. you have
to support me."

I force a smile at her and slowly nod.
"I understand Seja. make sure to call
me when anything happens alright?"

please say you wont leave.

"okay, I'll get going now. tell me
when I can leave." she smiles at me
then turns her heels leaving my office.

I close my eyes and ruffle my hair.

No, get yourself together stell.
you'll get her..

I dial a number on my phone.
calling a random employee.

My Ex, My Boss | SB19 Stell (ENGLISH)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora