Crossing Paths

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before I knew it, He bursts into laughter.

I felt anxious and mad. "why are you laughing?"

"n-nothing! I just hope you make it." He laughs once again.

"just believe in me will you?" I say sternly making him stop to laugh. "I didn't mean it that way KyuRi."

what he said just seconds ago...
made me so sad and felt bad.
It sounded like it was nothing
but it for me it was like he thought
I couldn't make it.
hearing those words ftom someone
I like.. pains more.

"just leave."

"this is my apartment KyuRi."

I turn my head to him "if I get this job. I'll pay you. pay half of the bills of the past five months. Then I'll find my own place to stay in."

My eyes widen and made eye contact
to her.

Leave!?  Are you also going to leave me?
after all we've gone through KyuRi... I don't ask you to pay my bills or anything just stay with me.

"KyuRi don't be--"

"Bom-seok, leave my room." she says before turns her back to me

I sigh and stand up opening the door to leave but stopped.
"I'm really sorry--"

she stands up and jogs closer to me.

I move my head to the side as I thought she was going to slap or hit me.

I heard a snap. looking at her hands she's holding onto my car key.

"I'll use your car."

"How many are waiting outside now?" asked by me while looking at the camera connected to my phone. there are so many now.

"about 61 applicants has entered our building." Seja answered.

I sigh while massaged my forehead.

"okay... Let me think of a way--"

"get 50 of them and interview them
each and collect their resumes. then ill get the other 50 half. I'm sure there are more than 40 coming by." I said

"understood, Sir."

"start by now so we could finish early."

she nods and exits my door.

not taking long they start to enter my
office one by one.

as I enter the building my emotion changed to being shock. no doubt there were so many who wanted to be hired by their company. I wonder if I will be one of those.

"Ms. please go here." A man says then gestures me to go at the left line.

as I waited behind the line. They got to go inside the door one by one for about some minutes. and people keep entering the building.

checking the time its already 4:11pm

a little more to go and I'm up next.

"thank you." I said at the girl she was obviously a 'no' to my company.

"thank you too." she smiles at me and at Jooheon before leaving the door.

"oh wait. we didn't get her document." Jooheon scratches his hair at the thought.

"no need. its not necessary."

another person enters and suddenly
I felt something on my stomach.

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