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To be honest, I wasn't quite happy knowing about it.

"how did he do that to you?' I asked

"He saw me with her and then he hurted KyuRi so... I stepped up and tried to protect her but this happened..."

"My girlfriend applied here.
I was going to pick her up."

that's right... it's Bom-seok..

"Mr. Ajero... is this what you wanted to talk about? you sound so curious about KyuRi."

"protect her."

"wh-what?" He smiles nervously rubbing the back of his neck

"I said. protect her."

I step inside the company, them greeting me. "oh! Ms. Seja! why are you still here?" the front desk receptionist asked.

"I left something at Mr. Ajeo's office. I'll be quick since my flight is here in some hours."

"ahh I see... feel free to enter." she smiles.

I walk around the room expecting him to be around but he wasn't anywhere.

I didn't left anything actually... I just wanted to see him before I leave for good.

as I continue to walk around my heels clasping against the floor I stopped as I saw a small red box ontop of his table.

"what's this?" I asked myself quietly.

I turn my head side to side making sure there was no one near. I slowly take the box and open it.

I gasped after seeing a silver necklace with a shiny pendant that has a marble design in it.

I hold the pendant getting goosebumps. "it looks so expensive."


"before you go.. make sure you stop by here. I have something to give you."

"what is it?"

"you'll see.."


I chuckle after remembering what he told me a few days ago.

he could've just give it to me..

I close the box and put it back on the table after taking the necklace off the case.

I stared at it "why is he being sweet.
I might take it as a wrong way."

I stopped for a second after realizing what I just said and smirked
"I mean.... we already do have 'something' between us.."

"Mr. Aje--" I shut my mouth after not seeing my boss inside his office, but instead there was a woman... the assisant before me.

"sorry." I turn around "wait! stay here for a moment."

I hesitated for a bit but ended up closing the door and facing back to her.

"lets be clear here." she crosses her arms infront of her chest.

why does her voice sound so fierce.

"y-yes?" I stuttered nervously looking at her strict appearance.

"I know your past relationship with Stell... so don't ever try going back with him or try to stick to him."

My Ex, My Boss | SB19 Stell (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now