Chapter 5 - Mia

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The holiday was definitely not any different then from when I was at home before Hogwarts. Annoying brother, quidditch, and books. And I mean lots of books. I've been reading all of my books from last year so I can be prepared for this years line of books. 

"Honey, we're leaving for Diagon Alley! Do you want to go see your friends or not?" shouts my mom from downstairs. 

Oh, I almost forgot. All summer me, Jamie, Alana, and Lizzie have been sending letters non-stop. So we decided that we could all meet each other at Diagon Alley 2 days before we leave for Hogwarts and be together for the last day of summer. And since Lizzie and her family are staying at the Leaky cauldron we asked our parents if we could stay with them and suprisingly they all agreed! 

But Charlie had to come too. Lizzie has a sister, Amelia, who is the same age as him and he has this huge crush he has on her. 

"Hey, Harley. How are you doing?" asks Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie. I'm doing good thanks for asking," Amelia replies, blushing.

"Hey Charlie! Amelia the girl you looove talking about." I say.

"Shut. Up." He scowls.

I call over to my friends. Tell them that we "talked about" how they liked each other and they all played along with me. Then I finally say, "Anyways, have fun." I wink at my brother then we all back to our table, laughing. We left for school supplies 15 minutes later and it was really fun for us, but super awkward for our siblings.


"I am so ready for this year!" Jamie says as we're walking on the train.

"Calm down. We get it. This year you're trying out for quidditch." Lizzie complains.

"Mia, I think you should try out too. When we all came over to your house we watched you and your brother play. You're really good." Alana exclaims and Lizzie nods in agreement.

"I don't know guys, that's at home. And it's going to be a lot with school work and quidditch. I don't know." I said. They all sigh and look up as the trolley lady passes by. We buy some candies and then sit back down. When it's my turn I stand up and go outside my compartment door to see my brother just a few feet away from us, snogging a girl. Then I notice its not just any girl, it's Harley! I grab my candy quickly and sit back down.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asks.

"I've just saw something that I can never take back,"

"Did the trolley lady give you the wrong candy or something?" Lizzie says, chuckling.

"No. I just saw my brother snogging someone, and you'll never guess who it was." I respond.

"Who?" They say altogether.

"Amelia!" I say.

"My sister?" says Eleri.

"Yep, it was so gross," I say. We all laugh.


I noticed that Charlie ignored me for most of the feast. Maybe he saw me. Whatever, it's good that he saw me because then he definitely knows what's gonna happen next. I walk over to my brother and ask him if he's going to give me the chocolate he promised me the day before we left home. He said if I win the last round of Gobstones, he'll give me 5 galleons. I won... obviously. 

He's sitting next to Amelia and gives her a quick glance then hands me the money. I thank him innocently and walk away, without looking back. I tell my friends about our exchange, then we finish our dinner and go up to our dorm.


 Today I woke up around 7:00 and got ready as quickly as I could. I wanted to be the first to breakfast because then all the food is warm and fresh out of the oven. As soon as I was walking out Alana wakes up. So I tried to get out a little quicker but it she see's me.

"Why are you up so early? Breakfast starts in 45 minutes," she moans. I slowly walk back into the room.

"I just want to be ready for it,"

"Everybody shut up. You might be awake but I'm still sleeping," says Jamie.

"All of you be quiet! I'm trying to finish at least the first half of my book before I start getting ready." Lizzie says.

They all start to get ready for the day while I wait for them because they said I had to. So I just go down to the common room where there's about 3 kids already there probably waiting until it's time to go down for breakfast. When they have finally finished getting ready we go down the stairs to eat. Since classes don't start until 8:30 we go back to our dorm to pack our bags for school.


"Hey, we should all get some candies and have a small party for the first day of school in our dorm!" I say.

"Yeah, that would be so much fun! But we have to hurry up we're already late for meeting Alana and Jamie at the Library," says Lizzie. 

We run up the stairs laughing and head for the library.


Word Count: 854

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