Chapter 7 - Lizzie

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TW: abuse, bullying

Friday is always the day that I sit near the river and read. I found a new book in the library about transfiguration. I'm about halfway through it when I hear a voice. 

"Hey worm, what are you doing out here alone without your friends to protect you?" says Piper Parkinson. She's Hogwarts biggest bully. She's also been picking on me since the beginning of the year.

"How come the whomping willow isn't beating her up for us?" says one of her friends.

"Because it doesn't want to waste its branches on such unimportance," says Piper

"How bout' we teach this worm a lesson," says one of her friends.

"No please no!" I scream.

They start to beat me up. I can see more people coming towards me. It's my friends. They don't save me though. They start laughing. I slowly close my eyes then I faintly hear someone say Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie, wake up!

"Lizzie! Are you ok?" says Mia.

"Uh, yeah, I just had a bad dream," I say.

"Well your bad dream woke me up," Jamie says irritated.

"Shut up. Are you you sure? You were screaming in your sleep." says Alana.

"Guys, I'm fine!" I shout. They all look surprised then slowly walk back to their beds. I try going back to sleep but I can't.


"We're finished! The week is over!" shouts Jamie as she walks out of our last class of the day.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Mia asks.

"Let's go to the river later and hang out there," Alana suggests. We all agree and go to our dorm to get out of our school clothes then we walk down.

"Hey, I'm gonna get some snacks from the kitchens. Can someone come with me?" asks Mia.

"Sure," Jamie says. They walk back up the hill and into the entrance. Alana and I go down to a tree and sit under it. Mia and Jamie still haven't came back for 25 minutes.

"They are taking forever. I'm gonna go see if they have actually picked something and didn't get distracted. Stay here because a lot of people come down here and I don't want anyone to take our spot." Alana says.

"Ok," I mumble. I start to read my book again as she walks up the hill to go find them I read for about 5 minutes when I hear another familiar voice. It's threatening and I feel like this has happened before.

"Hey worm, what are you doing out here all alone without your friends to protect you?" I hear someone say. Oh no, this isn't happening. I slowly stand up and walk to the other side of the tree and try to pass them but they won't let me.

"What's wrong? Are you scared? Huh?" says Piper she starts to push me when behind her I hear someone yell "Hey, what are you doing?" It's Mia. They all come over and Piper just says, "Oh, she was just telling me about that book she's reading. Right Lizzie?" she's asks sweetly.

"Um, yeah," I say dully. Then I notice a bruise from when she pushed me. I try to cover it up with my t-shirt. Piper and her friends leave and I see my friends come closer.

"Are you ok?" asks Alana.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say quietly. "What kind of snacks did you get?" 

"Are you sure?" Jamie says.

"I'm fine!" I shout. They all look at each other than look at me.

"Um, we got some fizzing whizzbees and gummy slugs," says Mia.

They are all quiet and try to ignore what had happened but I can tell they're worried. I felt a little bad for shouting at them but I didn't apologize.


It has been a week since that day at the river and constant harassment by Piper and her friends but I couldn't do anything about it. All the teachers would probably not believe me because Piper was a good student at least to them. But when I came back to the dorm from the library something happened again.

"What are you doing all alone in this dark hallway?" says Piper. I try to pass her but she blocks me.

"Let's teach this worm a lesson for crossing my corridor," she says.

I can feel the temperature rising. Then everything was a blur. The last thing I remember is falling down with piper and her friends crowding me. They leave me on the ground all bruised and blood everywhere.


Nobody's in the dorm because they are all out studying so I've been trying to cover the bruises and the cuts until I hear the door open.

"Oh my goodness! What happened to you?" Mia gasps.

"Nothing I just tripped," I say.

"We need to take you to the nurse," says Alana.

"No. It's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine." I say. I'm talking but I can feel the tears coming down my face. Then I feel the warm embrace of my friends around me and it only makes me cry harder. I tell them about Piper and how she and her friends and what they have been doing for the past month.

"You should have told us early! We could have helped you." says Mia.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"You know that I would always be glad to kick someone's butt for you," Jamie says.

We all laugh then we all leave to go down to the nurse.


After that dramatic episode, we went to the nurse and then to Headmistress McGonagall to talk to her about Piper. She was suspended for a month. 

One day we went down to the river just to hang out for a little bit.

"You know we're always here for you right?" says Alana.

"Yeah. I have pretty great friends," I say.

"I know you guys are so lucky to have me," Jamie says.

For the rest of the day we just talked and it made me feel safe.


Word Count: 960

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