Parental Bonding

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Mr. Fenton is sitting down, wearing a soda hat and a fishing vest, he sips his soda, then casts a glowing-white fishing line into the open Ghost Portal. Danny comes down the stairs and drops his backpack on the floor as he walks up behind his dad.

"Hey, Dad. What are you doing?"

"Danny, keep it down. You'll scare away the ghosts." He points to his fishing pole, "It's the Fenton Ghost Fisher. I'm Fishing for ghosts."

Mr. Fenton stops reeling and stretches out the line a bit.

"Check out this line. Coated with a special high-test ectoplasmal resin that ghosts can't break. Quiet now. Don't wanna spook 'em." Mr. Fenton stated.

He recasts the line and sips his soda. Suddenly, his stomach rumbles.

"Whoa! That soda goes right through you like Sherman through Georgia." He gives the Fenton Fisher to Danny, "Here! Hang on to this. I'll be right back after I use the Fenton Urinal." And he heads upstairs.

The fishing line suddenly reels out further into the portal and stretches. Danny's ghost sense goes off.

"Oh no." Danny winced.

Danny strains to keep a hold of the Fenton Fisher against the resistance, but the line breaks. A blue ghost dragon emerges from the portal, the line hanging from her mouth. She roars and the line's broken end smacks Danny in the face.

"Da-?" Danny was speechless.

"I want to go!" Declared the dragon ghost violently.

"D-ahhh!" Danny runs away, terrified. The dragon ghost grabs him in her fist.

"I have to go!" She breathed in Danny's face.

"You'll have to stand in line behind my dad. In the meantime..." Danny goes ghost.

Danny becomes a blue ghostly mist to escape the dragon ghost's fist and reforms. Surprised, she tries twice to hit Danny, before breathing green fire at him, all of which he dodges. He returns with a kick, which sends her flying across the room, during which her golden amulet falls off her neck into Danny's open backpack. Upon landing, the dragon ghost transforms into a ghost girl.

"All I wanted was to go to the Princess Costume Ball. And my horrid mummy won't let me!" She wails as she flies back into the Ghost Zone.

"If that dragon suit's her idea of a costume, I'm on mummy's side." He changes back to normal. "Phew! Man, that's a relief."

Mr. Fenton returns to the basement. "I'll tell you what a relief is...Darn, I almost forgot!"

He runs off and flushes the toilet.


At Casper High, Tucker is holding the door open as girls walkout. The banner above reading THE BIG DANCE.

"Hey there, I-" Tucker began but was cut off.

The first girl was irritated, "No!"

He began again, "Hi, would you-"

"Forget it." Replied the girl annoyed.

The third girl held up her hand towards Tucker, "No!"

"I didn't ask you yet!"

Sam, Kassi and Danny are eating lunch at a picnic table. Tucker, upset, sits down next to Danny.

Danny asked, "Strike three, Tuck?"

"Try strike three thousand." Tucker answered.

"I don't know what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance. I don't need to be asked to some dance to know I'm special. I--" Sam was cut off by the boys.

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