My Brother's Keeper

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Danny and Kassi are in the hallway walking past an office.

Their ghost sense goes off as they go intangible and fly through the door. A blob ghost growls at them as they exchange blows.

Danny and Kassi shoot several ectoblasts at the ghost, but they miss. The ghost growls at them, then flees through the ceiling. They transform back into their human form. Suddenly Mr. Lancer opens the door to find them in the destroyed office.

Kassi smiles nervously, "It's not what it looks like! We... heard something and... came to check it out."

Danny mutters to himself, "Good one, Fenton. You let him get away, you idiot."

Lancer grabs them by the collar and yanks them.


Inside the office...

"Is it always so cold in here?" Jazz asked.

"Of course! I find that cold temperatures keep the mind icy sharp. And don't you worry about this mess of an office, either. Stuff happens! No biggie. Right, Jasmine, Leonardo?"

"It's Jazz. My friends call me Jazz."

"My name isn't Leonardo, it's Leon."

"And I say your name is Dinkus Wonder." Kassi shivered.

"Yeah, well, your brother calls you fink!" Danny snapped at Jazz.

"Danny, I'm just trying to help. Come on, we used to talk all the time."

"Yeah, when I was 8 and you weren't a fink."

"Kassi please, your grades are starting to dip." Leon worried.

"Okay Leon, I know this is about grades, but what's a therapist gonna do? This kind of stuff requires a counselor."

"That's more than enough out of you two. Get to class while Ms. Spectra and I decide what your punishment is." Lancer told.

Danny and Kassi scowl at their older siblings then stomp off in a huff.


Outside Spectra's office...

Danny and Kassi are sitting outside the office annoyed, under a sign declaring their chairs the 'Happy Chair!' Danny looks up as the door opens as Paulina and Spectra walkout.

"So, you're saying my popularity is, like, completely dependent on my beauty?" Paulina says unhappily.

Spectra speaks gently, "I'm not saying it's fair, sweetie. But if you feel like you need something, like, a lot of makeup, I say go for it! You're the only you you've got! Danny, Kassi come on in!"

She goes back into the office as Danny and Kassi follow her, closing the door behind them. Spectra is sitting at her desk as Danny and Kassi are shivering in the chairs across from her.

"I can't believe my stupid sister convinced Lancer to make this my punishment." Danny shivered. "Can we please turn up the heat in here? I can see my own breath!"

"And I get cold easily!" Kassi complained.

"Wow Danny, you do complain a lot. Hm. Well, your siblings did say you could be a bit of a baby."

"What?!" They both exclaimed.

"Danny, it's not your fault Jazz thinks you're a loser."

"Wait, Jazz called me a loser too?"

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