Shades of Gray

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In the halls of Casper High...

Danny pushing the doors open in fear. "Aaaaaaah!"

Dash runs the same direction Danny went, chasing him. Danny runs through the halls, out of breath.

Danny huffed, "Moving." a puff, "Gotta keep moving." He looks behind him.

"That's it Fen-ton! Run! But I'm taking this D I got on our spelling test out of your hide!"

"Every time he fails, he comes after me!" Another huff, "Where's Kassi, where's Kassi, where's Kassi?"


Dash looked back, "Kassi!" He noticed her expression and continued running. "Oh no."

Dash was fast, but Kassi was faster.

In another hallway, where Paulina and Kwan meet up with Valerie.

"Hey, Valerie. Like, I so much love that top!" Paulina complimented.

"Isn't it Swe-e-et? $579 and worth every one of my dad's pennies."

Valerie notices Danny rounding a corner and charging down the hall toward her and her friends.

Danny looks back to see if Dash is still behind him. He doesn't notice how close Paulina is, skids to a halt and runs into her. Paulina and her large paper coffee cup goes flying into Valerie's face and her unreasonably priced top.

Valerie turns to Kwan, "Please hit the unpopular boy for me!"

Kwan smiled, "Hey, accidents happen."

Valerie grabs Kwan by his shirt, drags him down to face her. "GRRRRR!"

Kwan surrendered, "Alright, Alright."

Kwan starts chasing Danny back the way he came. With Dash still chasing him.

"Wait a minute! I have ghost Powers."

Danny goes invisible, ducks into a narrow hallway off to one side, and goes invisible as the two jocks run head on into each other.

"Huh?" Kassi skids to a halt and goes after Danny.

Danny runs outside to turn back.

Danny was relieved, "Man, that was close."

Kassi appeared next to Danny, "Tough day huh?"

"You wouldn't believe."

"Oh, I'm sure I'll believe, Lancer's test was cake."

A small green ghost puppy comes up to Danny and Kassi. Danny picks it up and sees it has a tag on its collar, an 'A' with four electrons orbiting it. The little puppy licks his face.

Danny smiled, "It's like Dash, but with better breath. Now this I can handle."

Kassi's eyes immediately go goo goo over the puppy and snatches him from Danny's hands, "Aww! Look at him, you're just a wittle baby puppy! Yes you are! Yes you are!"

Danny looks at her confused, "Who are you?"

She sets the happy little puppy down then he becomes huge and very unhappy-looking.

"Or maybe this is something I am not able to handle."


In Axion Labs...

Barking, and huge dents appear in the titanium armored doors. Danny and Kassi come flying through and lands on their backs in front of Valerie and others.

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