Chapter 14 - Dance to Tragedy?

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"Ruby POV"

It's already time for the dance and everyone is already gone to the ballroom, me at the other hand struggling to walk because of this heels I was wearing. I wonder how Weiss manage to fight with this things.

Heading to the ballroom whilst still struggling with this heels, I heard a soft noise of shoes coming on my way. I stop for a moment and the noise stop too. And not too long I heard a soft voice behind me and I know who it was.

Rangel : I didn't know that, you like wearing heels.

I turn around just to see her smiling at me, and I saw her attire. She is wearing a blue coat, underneath it was a simple black polo, and she wears a tight blue pants that is currently match to her coat, I noticed that she's also wearing a black leather boots.

Her hair is tied down like a tail end {A/n - can you still imagine it?.. *facepalm* nevermind keep reading} and her bangs is gelled up. I hear that she clear her throat that totally snap me back in the reality.

Rangel : Sis, uhm.. Your.. Done looking right?.. Your going on the party or not?..

Ruby : Wha-.. Ofcourse.. This heels is making me struggle all the time I walk.

I said, whilst I run my hand on my hair. I heard a humm and that I was picked up bridal style, and she start walking to the ballroom.

Rangel : You shouldn't wear it if you don't like.

She said and I just shrug and sighed.

Ruby : Well.. My team want me to wear this kind of.. Uhm.. Thing..

She humm again and both of us is already on the ballroom front door.

Ruby : You can put me down now Rang-

She cut me off by opening the door and Yang is infront of us, and when she look at us she squeal in excitement and Rangel already putting me down.

Yang : Wow.. I didn't know you'll end up wearing that clothes, Rangel.

Rangel put a one finger up and she suddenly sighed in annoyance, is she mad at Yang again? She run her other hand on her hair and she look at Yang.

Rangel : First of all I called Coco for help but she didn't really help me, second I ask Sun and Neptune they help a little but still I didn't like their style.

I really thought she's angry on Yang, maybe I'm just being paranoid when it come to both of them. I look around to see all students are looking at us girls and boys, all gaze in our way.

Ruby : Is it just me or I can see all students are looking at us..

I mumble and Rangel just smile and she left me and Yang.

"Rangel POV"

When I heard my sister mumbled something I look around and saw some students are looking our way, I made my way to hide my self behind the punch bowl.

I sighed in content when the people stopped staring at me, I get my self a punch and Jaune suddenly join me to hide behind the punch bowl.

Jaune : I see that your hiding here too.

Rangel : Yeah.. I'm not really good in crowds.

I said and he just sigh and look around, he notice Pyrrha walking away and heading to the balcony.

Jaune : Can you hold my punch for awhile.

I nod at him and he hand me his punch, he follows Pyrrha and I was again alone with the punch bowl at my side and Jaune's punch cup in my hand. And not long I was greeted by Ruby, she get her self a punch and stand beside me looking at the crowds.

Ruby : I'm happy that you and Yang is ok now.

She start and I just look at her and smile immediately shuffling her hair and she gave me a pout whilst she fix back her hair again.

Rangel : I'm..- no.. I think you and Yang is ok, but for... D-dad..

Ruby : Rangel, Stop you don't need to push yourself to talk to dad now.. Just give yourself a time amd tell me if your ready to talk to him.

I nod at her and she gesture that she'll be going out to get some fresh air, me on the other hand followed her out. When where already out I take a deep breath, I look around to see some Atlas Soldiers roaming around.

My gaze caught Ruby's look at the roof, and she start running and I follow her back.

Rangel : What is it Rubs?

Ruby : I saw someone running from the roof...

We start running towards the CCT tower, and we both saw some Atlas Soldiers on the ground. Ruby immediately called her locker, and I do what she did I called my locker I immediately grab my sword. My sniper is not in a good condition today so I'll just keep a good look on Ruby and make sure she's safe.

We both went inside the tower, atlast soldiers again laying on the ground. Ruby immediately get on the elevator and I followed behind, we both wait for a minute and finally we reach the top and we saw nothing but a empty room no soldiers around.

I unbutton my coat and I grip the handle of my weapon, I keep eyeing Ruby because if something happens to her it will be blame on me. Ruby slowly walk and a person came in view, she was wearing an all black.. Erm.. Yeah all black that lit up when she fires her arrows..

Rangel : Ruby get behind me!..

I dodge all arrow she fires and she made two glass blade and runs towards me, I keep the unknown person distance between Ruby because I don't want her to get hurt. I put my sheath to a gun and I fires at her direction.

I continue to distance our fight, and Ruby start to shoot the woman that did a back flip and she dodge all bullets Ruby fires. I jump towards the intruder, I didn't let her notice that I was keeping our distance out of Ruby's reach.

I kick her side and she let out a groan, she look at me pissed and gaze to Ruby's direction. I blocked her gaze off to Ruby and I fires to her. She again shoot a triple arrow on my way and I immediately block it and she against fire arrows on me this time multiple arrows.

And she get her gaze back on Ruby, she took out a different weapon on her back and she run towards Ruby, my eyes widens and I can feel the time get slower. I shouted at Ruby and she looks at me and to the person who was now holding a dagger.

I immediately run towards Ruby and I saw a portal no second thoughts I went inside, immediately getting to Ruby's Place I slightly push her and I felt a fiercing pain on my back, I held my sister shoulder and the elevator opened.

The intruder took her chance to immediately withdraw her self out of the scene. I look at the person who came and it revealed General Ironwood who is currently shock.

I forget the pain on my back and immediately took off my leave, leaving Ruby on the sigh of the General. Some Atlas Soldiers get alerted to what happened, and they immediately search the intruder.

Me at the other hand clutch my side and I slowly sat on the side of the tower, I took off my coat just to see a blood. I got up immediately throwing away mu coat. I grip the trash and I get to my normal and collected self.

I walk through the hallways seeing some students walking too, and saying their hi's on me. I feel my self get dizzy but I just shrug it off and continue my walk. I use the wall for assistance and the dizziness I was feeling is getting harder to me to even walk.

: Hey-.. Fuck!, your bleeding!

That is all I heard and suddenly I passed out, not knowing what happened next.

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