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In L.A, California, Tiana Kingsley and the boy band, Prettymuch, lived beside one another.

Tiana moved to L.A when she was 17 years old, which is her sisters age. The other girl part of the Kingsley family is Madeline.

The two girls only started living together recently. Tiana moved there when she was done high school, and Maddie moved in with her sister when she was done school as well.

Over the years, Tia has become quite fond of Los Angeles. She made friends when she first moved there, and are now her best friends.

Her friends were, Gabrielle Dawn, Luna Walker and of course her sister, Madeline Kingsley.

Moving onto Tia's love life. Well, she recently started seeing this guy named Emerson Harley. They however, were not dating yet. Ana was still waiting for him to ask her out.

They've gone on cute little dates here and there, and she absolutely loved them.

The two young adults met in college. They have both graduated already, but still kept in touch.

Tiana loves hanging out with Emerson. She's in love with his personality, and his looks. Damn. He was fine as hell, and no one could change her mind about that.

Anyways, Prettymuch. Let's talk about them. The members that consist of the group are, Brandon Arreaga, Edwin Honoret, Austin Porter, Nick Mara, and Zion Kuwonu.

Tiana was really good friends with all of the boys. Well, all except one. Caleb Zion Kuwonu. She hates him. And I mean, hates.

But no worries, he hates her too. So the feelings are mutual.

Tiana has her reasons for loathing him, and he has his for her. The biggest thing that annoys her about Zion is how much of a fuck boy he is.

How does she know he's a fuck boy? Well, because their windows are next to each other, she can hear every moan that comes out of a girls lips, when he's fucking her. And it's always a different girl. Zion has never brought home the same girl twice.

Tiana is though, fine with the rest of the boys. She has not one problem with any of them.

Here's the funny thing, Tia actually thinks all the boys in the band are attractive. Very attractive. And yes, this includes Zion Kuwonu.

She hates him, but wouldn't mind being fucked by him. Obviously, she would never do that. She has too much respect for herself.

There really isn't much else to add, so I now introduce to the story of, I don't like you.
Short intro compared to my other books, I think 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyways, I hope you guys like this book. I really am excited for this book to start. I'm finally doing a CALEB ZION KUWONU book,, this boutta be fun 🥵😂

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