Chapter 17

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Tiana's p.o.v
Today is Tuesday. It's been, what? Four days since my date with Nick.

This week Madeline and I decided to take that sisters trip. We're spending the week at a spa hotel a few hours away from the house.

It was nice not having any distractions or drama. We got here Sunday, and I feel the most relaxed then I've been in a long time.

Tonight Maddie and I were gonna be going to the party a hotel guest was hosting. There was going to be drinks and dancing and all that stuff.

I was obviously staying away from the guys, but Maddie was for sure not. Not just the guys, she's even been screwing around with some girls. (Sorry I had to add a bi/gay character somewhere. I don't have any in any of my books and it was bothering me)

Tonight she was actually going to the party with a girl she met yesterday morning at the breakfast cafe.

The girl was actually the cutest. She's sweet and shy, not to mention absolutely gorgeous. Like if I was gay or bi, I swearrr I would hog her all to myself. Shit, I'm straight and I would still let her fuck me.

Her name is Billie Eilish. (Yes I know she isn't gay irl, but I had to put her in. She's my wifeeyyyyy ya know what I'm sayin. Ok I'm done 😂)

Anyways, the party was in a few hours and I was shopping with Maddie and Billie to get something to wear.

I found a cute dress that was fitted and a dark shade of red. I think I looked pretty sexy in it, actually. I'm pretty sure I did cause when I walked out of the changing room Billies jaw dropped, and so did Maddie's.

Billie already had an outfit at home cause she lives around here. Maddie wore ripped jeans with an off the shoulder red crop top. When she came out of the changing room with the outfit on, Billie licked her lips and wrapped her arms around my sisters waist making me giggle.

They weren't even together and they were the cutest. "Hey Tiana, is it ok if I go get ready at Billies house?", Maddie asked as we walked out of the store.

I smiled and nodded as I watched them walk to Billies car with their fingers linked. I put my own outfit in my trunk and proceeded with my drive back to the hotel.
"Oh my God, Maddie your hammered." I heard a giggle fall out of her mouth and she stepped forward to help me stand up straight.

"No I'm not. You are T. We should get you back to the hotel", She grabbed me by the arm and I suddenly had the urge to throw up.

"Wait lemme go to the bath-" I got out of her grip and sped over to the washroom as fast as I could. I felt someone hold my hair back and rub my back up and down.

I finished and walked over to the sink rinsing out my mouth. "Thank you", I said turning to the person who helped me.

I instantly regretted it.

"No problem. But hey, I think you should repay me now, don't you?", His voice spoke harshly.

He grabbed my arm digging his nails in it as I felt my eyes water knowing what was about to happen.
Short chapter, Ik. But anyways who do u guys think the guy is?

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