Chapter 18

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Tiana's p.o.v
When I opened my eyes, I felt a pounding pain on my head. (I have no idea if that made any sense lmao)

I tried to get up and felt a heavy weight on my waist, and suddenly the events of last night flashed through my head. I turned my head in horror, hoping it wasn't true, but sure enough there he laid.

Emerson was sleeping right beside me. His face wore a small grin, as if nothing happened and this was normal.

I pried his arm off me and got up, feeling a jolt of pain shoot through my legs and back making me tear up.

I had to get out of here before he caught me. I slipped my dress over my head, grabbed my shoes and ran down the stairs and out his house.

I opened my phone and clicked Z's contact putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby. What's up?" "Z, I need you to come get me", I let out shakily. "What's wrong baby? Where are you?"

I let out a sigh, "I'll send you my location. Just get in the car, quickly."

"Ok baby, I'm coming, I'm coming. I love you." I smiled and replied with an I love you too.
My nose was engulfed with Zions scent as he wrapped his arms around me when he finally got to Emerson's house.

"Are you ok? Did anything happen? What happened?", He pulled back and examined me emphasizing the what.

"I'll tell you when we get home. I don't want you to be driving when I tell you."

He nodded and grabbed my hand leading me to the car. He got in his seat and let his right hand sit on my thigh, giving it a squeeze every so often.

"So what have you been up to this week?", I asked trying to make my voice sound as steady as possible.

"Don't worry about me baby. I just need you to tell me everything that happened as soon as we get home so I know who I have to beat."

I shook my head and sighed. "I don't want you beating anyone. What I tell you had to stay within us."

He side eyed me and shook his head softly grabbed my hand and bringing it to his lips, leave a small kiss on it.

"Oh my God, Maddie!" My eyes widened as I remembered that Emerson tore me away from her.

I picked up my phone and dialled her number. "Hey T." "Maddie, oh my gosh, thank God you answered the phone. I'm so sorry I left you but I'll explain when I see you. Are you ok?"

I could tell she smiled at all my sudden questions. "I'm with Billie Tiana. Don't worry. Are you ok? You sound really shaken up."

I put my hand to my heart thanking God for Billie. "I'm good. Like I said, I'll tell you what's going on when I see you."

She gave me a small ok and hung up the phone. I felt Zions eyes on me and I turned my head to see him giving me doubtful glances.

"Z, baby, I told you everything is fine. Ok? I need you to relax." I held his hand and felt his nerves start to disappear.

"Fine. But if your lying to me I'm gonna be more pissed off then I already am", His voice was deep and chilling. I felt shivers run through my body and nodded giving his hand a squeeze.

I watched as we pulled into my driveway, sitting there in complete silence. "Are you ready to tell me mami?"

I blushed and nodded getting out of the car, and going to let myself in.

I waited for Zion to come in and close the door behind him before going up to my room. The second I opened my door, and ran and flopped on my bed letting myself cry.

His presence was felt behind me as he pulled me into his chest and let me cry. "Hey, your ok. Just tell me what happened baby. I wanna help you, I don't wanna see you cry."

Hearing him say that made me cry even harder, making me push my face deeper into his chest. I slowly brought my arms to hug him back, feeling myself calm down.

I pulled back and he wiped my tears with his thumb, softly smiling at me leaning forward to kiss my nose.

I could tell my cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, and I took a deep breath wanting to allow myself to talk.

"Take your time", Z reassured me as he rubbed his hand up and down my back.

I found that kissing him would probably calm me down the fasted, so I did just that and let my words out as I rested my forehead against his.

"Baby, I was raped by Emerson." Sitting there I could feel Zion get tense in the silence. "What?"
This chapter is absolute garbage. Idk y but my mind felt so out of place while I was writing this

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