Chapter 9

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Tiana's p.o.v
I was making my way over to Zions house. He hasn't invited me or anything, but I figured I could surprise him.

I locked my door, and started walking over. Maddie was with Gabrielle and Luna for the day.

I knocked on the door and Nick answered. His face looked pale when he saw me. "H-Hey Tiana. Whatchu doin here?" I stepped inside and took off my shoes.

"Hey Nick. Zions upstairs right?" He gulped, "Y-Yes.  Bu-" "Ok great. Thank you." I cut him off and jogged up the stairs to Zions room.

I didn't bother knocking or anything, and walked right in. What did I see? Well, I'm sure it's everyone's worst nightmare.

That fucking rat faced bitch riding Zions dick. I could feel my stomach turning, and I felt like I had to throw up.

"Tiana, wait." I shook my head. I decided not to yell. "It's alright. Finish, please. But don't call or text me. Don't come knocking on my door or bothering my sister."

I closed the door and ran downstairs. I heard him follow behind me, calling my name. "Tiana come on."

"No, it's ok, really. Please go shoot your babies up her. I don't want to interrupt."

I turned and saw Nick sinking into the couch. I marched over, grabbed his hand and dragged him with me.

"Come on Nick. Let's go have sex." I watched Zion give Nick a death stare. "I swear to God Nick. Don't you even think about it."

Nick looked back and forth from me to Zion. He chuckled and coughed at the same time, shrugged his shoulders and followed me, slamming the door behind him.

He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come on, move it along", He laughed in my ear. I smiled and shook my head.

I unlocked the door and Nick grabbed my hand taking me to my room. He shut the door behind him and started to take off his shirt.

"Ok, before we do this thing, we need to lay out some ground rules." I shook my head. "Um, Nick, I'm sorry, but we're not actually gonna have sex."

His smiled dropped, and then let it take over his face again. "Oh, ok." I stepped closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, him following the gesture.

"I'm sorry. I know your ugly ass hasn't been laid in a while." "Hey", He whined.

Nick was my best friend out of all the guys. "I just can't do that to Zion. Even if he did it to me." I felt him nod his head against mine.

"Yea I get it. Were you guys a couple?" I shook my head. "No, but I'm angry because he did exactly what Emerson did. I mean, it's not cheating, but still. How can you trust someone before you're even in a relationship?"

Before Nick could answer, I heard the voice that at this moment, hated.

"I know it's fucked up. But I'm sorry. I called her over to tell her things were done with us, and she did something to me. Manipulated me or...I don't know what, but I wouldn't do that to you."

I pulled away from Nick, and I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I don't care how fucking sorry you are. I said not to come into my home and you did exactly that." Nick went and sat on my bed, watching all of this happen.

"Please, Tiana. I need you to forgive me. I know you're falling for me. You can't stay mad at me forever."

I shook my head. I probably shouldn't lie right now, but I don't give a fuck.

"No I'm not falling for you. I fucking HATE YOU. I FUCKING HATE YOU. SO GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE NOW."

I went and started shoving him, letting the tears fall. He eventually grabbed my wrists roughly, and forced me to look up at him.

"Well then, fuck you Tiana. I actually fucking care about you. And you're telling me you just led me on. Looks like it was the girl trying to get in the guys pants, this time."

He dropped my wrists and left. I fell to the floor and kept on crying like there was no tomorrow.

Soon, arms came and held me close to their body. "It's ok, Ana, it's ok." It was Nick.

I turned my body around and wrapped my arms around him, shoving my face into his chest. "I fucked up, Nick", I cried.

"No you didn't baby, no you didn't." Nick always called me that from when we first met, but right now I'd rather it be Zion in his position.

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