Chapter 10

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(One month later) (also, this chapter is gonna be pretty long, sorry I'm not good with words 😬)

Tiana's p.o.v
Sooooo, this past month has been very interesting.

Nick and I actually started a no strings attached thing. Now, I know what your thinking, it's not gonna stay that way, but it is. Nick and I have constantly been reassuring each other there's no feelings involved.

Moving onto Zion. Well, he's actually been better than I thought. He hasn't slept with anyone at all, and he's been working on his music a lot.

Did I feel bad? Yes, but I mean of course it wasn't gonna work out, we hated each other. And yes, I'm saying this, but I still miss him like a big ass baby.

Anyways, today, Nick was coming over for our final "session". He doesn't know it, but today I'm gonna tell him.

I really miss Zion, and I want him back so bad. Also, yes, Zion knows Nick and I have been sleeping together.

I just finished shaving nearly my entire body, so my skin was soft and smooth. I put on a new yellow lingerie set, and then put on my robe.

I walked over to my window and sure enough Zion was looking out of his. I let a small smile take over my face and waved, him returning the gesture.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell go off, so I smirked at him and closed the blinds.

I jogged down the stairs, thinking it was Nick, but it just ended up being my sister.

"Oh hey Maddie. What's up?" "I just came to get extra clothes for another night at Lunas. But, I will be returning home tomorrow, so no more of your funny business."

I giggled and walked over to her wrapping my arms around her. "I love you so much, you know that? I literally could not have asked for a more perfect sister."

She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my torso. "Your the best sister in the whole wide world. And when all this drama is over, I want to get out of here and spend a whole weekend to ourselves."

I nodded, with my head resting on top of hers. "That sounds like a great plan. I can't wait to start planning."

She pulled away from me and jogged to the stairs. "Well, I'm gonna go get my clothes, cause Nicks walking over here now. I saw him through the window."

I blushed and looked out the window, and sure enough there he was just a few steps away from my door.

I walked over to the door with a smile and opened it up for him. "Hey Tiana", He stepped in and kissed my cheek, and I wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Nick. Maddie's here so we're gonna have to wait."

I saw his face turn a bright pink and he nodded. Nick and I were still best friends, so it was easy for us to just sit and talk while we waited for my sister.

"Ok! I'm leaving! You guys can go and do whatever you want, but don't give my sister your baby! Understood?" Nicks face went dark red and he nodded slowly.

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