Chapter 7

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Three gunshots were heard throughout the vicinity. I closed my eyes shut, staying on the ground stunned by the sounds. The creature that was on my back merrily a second ago, now couldn't be found anywhere.

Emile breathed heavily and gently took my arm, helping me up. I opened my eyes and was met with his worried face.

Worried? does care?

He hugged me as though I was a pillow; squeezing me slightly but gently. I felt the strange need to assure him I was alright. So I hugged back awkwardly.

"Thank you.", I spoke softly as if otherwise I'd scare him away.

Once Emile's breathing slowed back to normal, we let go of each other. He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. He looked back over to me and smiled a bit.

Stretching out his hand for me to take it.

There was something about this gesture that seemed to be so different to me. Sure, there were other guys I had contact with but that was back then. And even then, they would only act nice to me to impress others around me.

However, this man, who I barely even met, doesn't seem to have any motive. Who is he going to impress anyways? That creature? Ha!

I didn't want to make him wait any longer.

I took his hand.

His smile shown  brighter than the moons essence.

I knew I made the right choice.

This all may seem crazy. The fact that I'm focused on the man in front of me.

And that's simply because, I do not wish to know whatever that creature was. Because of the questions, thoughts, and anxiety that would eat me alive if I did. 

Yet. When we got back to Emile's house, I couldn't get my mind away from it.

Where there more?

What are they?

Why could it talk?

What did it look like?

Was it going to come back?

What if-

Emile seemed to notice my distress as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Y/N, look...I know you may have tons of questions but...please don't ask right now.", he looked into my eyes with a soft look. As if he was a kicked puppy.

"..okay", what else was I supposed to say? I didn't want to burden the man after he saved me.

Then as if nothing had happened, his small smile returned. His sky blue eyes showed sun instead of rain.

"Would you like something to eat?", he questioned.

"Sure! Just tell me where everything is and I can-", before I could continue he interrupted.

"What do mean? I'm planning on cooking myself", he looked confused.

My eyes widened in shock. "O-Oh...I just thought that meant I would cook..", my self assurance lessoned more and more with each word coming out of my mouth. Now I was the one that was confused.

Aren't I going to cook? I mean, Edward, always made me do it.

I looked down. Suddenly my feet became more interesting than this spiraling conversation.

I didn't notice it but Emile had slowly walked around and came over to me. He put a gentle hand under my chin, lifting it with his index finger. Making me look at him.

For the third time tonight, this man had directed a warm smile at me. I'm starting to like it. It feels...nice for once.

"You can cook if you want to. However, I am not going to make you do anything you don't want to. Believe me when I tell you this..", he inched closer to me face. Our noses almost touching.

"You are important to me.", I could feel his breath on my lips.

My heart was racing and I started to close my eyes.

He leaned in slowly.

And kissed my nose.

I opened my eyes feeling a little grateful.

I barely knew this man, how could I kiss him now? Even if he is cute..and nice..

Emile backed away with a blush on his cheeks. I didn't laugh because I'm sure I probably looked like a tomato right now too.

After that, we decided it was best to cook together. Well more like he cooked and I helped. He didn't tell me where anything was, trying to get me to do less of the work.

At first I was a little worried I wouldn't like what he was making, since I am in purgatory after all. Or so he insisted. Besides, even is someone saves you from something, they still could have bad motives. That's was I had learned. And yet..I didn't care.

Even if Emile had poisoned the food, I'd still eat it. At least I could finally die knowing somewhat what kindness felt like. 


I hoped you guys liked this chapter! How's quarantine going for y'all?
I've given myself a challenge until we are officially allowed to go out.
I'm dressing up/ cosplaying as different characters!
So I'm trying to stay positive through this pandemic.
Stay hopeful and safe! Wear a mask (or bandanna or cloth over your mouth) when you go out and wash your hands.
I love you all and hope your all doing okay. See you guys in the next chapter!

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