Chapter 8 : He's mad at me

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The next day was horrible. You could tell by the atmosphere that Ciel was obviously mad at me he kept giving me the cold shoulder like a bitch. Just for the record he didn't ask so I didn't tell it's as simple as that. I'll apologize about it later. For now I was focusing on the chores Sebastian gave me.

He didn't seem annoyed or offended. Which was off. Is he mad at me or not. I lay in one of the rose gardens thinking about it. Since I was done with my work so there was nothing else to do. I noticed that I left mao mao back in my room he was the only one who kept me company when I was like this.

Boys are so confusing.  After a while I felt something lightly lay on my stomach. I noticed it was mao mao. He had sensed my discomfort and came to check on me. I lightly patted it's fur I herd him purr under my touch. So cute. I noticed that Finny had come to check on me.

" Miss Alex you seem upset. Is something wrong. " asked Finny with he's cute little voic. He was always one of the cutest characters I liked most. Looking at him aways made me feel better.

" I'm fine Finny I'm just a little tired. " I said with a reassuring smile. He slightly blushed and that made me smile even wider. " are you OK Finny your face is pink. " I said as I was lightly placing my hand on he's forehead. He blushed even more which made he's face redder than a tomato.

" I'm fine" he said as he was scratching the back of he's head. I ruffled he blond hair. Then he gave me a beautiful white rose that matched my snow white hair. " Thanks finny it's beautiful. " after a while I noticed that he was staring at mao mao. " miss Alex is that cat yours. "

I smiled and nodded then introduced him to mao mao. " Finny this is mao mao. Mao mao this is Finny." I said as I was picking him up. "nice to meet you mao mao. " said Finny as he was slightly shaking mao mao's paw. "meow" purred the feline. After a while finny said he had to go finish up he's work before Sebastian could scold him.

<<Time skip to important stuff since Author is sups lazy as hell. >>

Everyone had finished work and I was already bored as hell and I wanted to get more feeling in my legs. So I decided to borrow the kitchen. But I have to ask permission from Sebby.

" Sebastian can I borrow the kitchen?" I asked with the most cutest voice. Even though it was not necessary.

" Whatever for Alex. "

" I wanna make apology cookies for Ciel. "

" Why?"

" he's obviously sulking I mean seriously it's makes the atmosphere feel.... Cold. I mean I don't mind it but seriously its a little suffocating." I said with a pout.

" Go ahead just make sure not to break anything. " he said with a light grin.

" Thank you Sebby I promise not to Break anything. " I said as I was skipping away.

I pulled out all supplies and started preparing for the cookies. I pulled out the choc chips, milk, flower,etc. Now let's get started.

‹‹short time skip cause I don't want to type a long pointless baking recipe>>

After that I placed them on a plate to cool down then placed the rest in a basket so everyone else could get some. Then I wrote a little note on a little naive blue card. Then placed it on the tray along with the cookies and obviously a warm glass of milk. I was about to take it to him but Sebastien stepped inn. Oh goody. ^ω^

" oh Sebby your here can you please give this to Ciel. I think he'll accept it as a midnight snack. " I said as I was giving him the the cart.

" Why don't you give it to him yourself ?"

I just looked down in shame so I could convince him that I just didn't want to do it since I didn't wanna get the cold shoulder from Ciel. Even though I don't feel much emotion it affects me when someone I care about is mean to me.

" Please can you do it. " I said with the most cutest voice I could master.

After a while he just shook his head and agreed to help me out. Yay he's gonna help me. I thought to myself. As he walked of with the cart. And I cleaned up the kitchen so I could fix it up. After a while Sebastian came back to the kitchen and noticed that I cleaned up fast. He looked impressed with my work.

" the young master wishes to speak to you "

" is he still sulking. " I said with a pouty face so I could get a little info.

" why don't you go and see for yourself. " he said with a slight grin.

Time skip >>

I knocked on Ciel's bedroom door to get permission to enter. I then heard a slight come in from him so I stepped in. And noticed that he was reading a book. I closed the door behind me and made sure to stay in the dark.

" meep... " I squealed.

" Come closer I want to speak to you. " said Ciel with a stern tone.

I did as he asked and noticed that three of the cookies on the plate were gone. And that the glass of milk was half full. I lightly smiled and made sure to hide it.

" Am I forgiven." I said with a smile.

" Can I trust you? "

" that's your choice Ciel. "

" I want to trust you but how do I know you are not going to break it. "

" it's up to you... We can never be sure if a promise is a promise for they say action speaks louder than words. "

" I suppose your right. "

" so am I forgiven.... or.. "

" What do you think?"

" I say water under the bridge. "

Believe it or not that's how we made up. As cliche as it sounds this is exactly how we made up. I was about to leave until I heard him stop me. I turned around to see what he wants.

" Alex... That cat of yours. How is it that I haven't sneezed since its gotten here?"

" oh that's easy. The coler on its neck is enchanted that's why. " I said as I was walking to the door along with the cart.
" oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you something. " I said with a quick expression.

" What? " he said as he was looking at me.

" Goodnight Ciel. " I said with a light grin.

I closed the door and pushed the cart back in the kitchen. Then helped Sebastian out with the dishes. Even though he said he could do it himself. I don't care if he's capable I'm helping.

Then I went to bed happy since everything ended wonderfully.




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