chapter 10 : Witch world

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Alex's p.o.v. (The uniform above is yours)

I woke up around five in the morning since I was bored of sleeping so I took out my headphones and my phone and started listening to the song Levi high. And started to dance to it a little since it was really catchy. But I made sure to not make a lot of noise and wake up Mao mao.

After that I took out my spell book and memorised a few spells. One of them caught my interest when I read the title ' blood control' apparently I could control a humans body use it to do my biding. But the set back was I would be putting the person in pain. Which is not what I intend. So technically it would be like blood banding.


After a while I feel the sleepy side kicked inn. I went back to bed. I placed my things back into the bag and went to bed. Looked at the time and it read 06:00. Two hours before Sebby comes to wake me up...

Time skip brought to you by lancybox videos😂😂😂😂>>>

"It's time to wake up lady Alex. " said Sebastien as he was opening the curtains. Which blinded me a little so I turned over. And covers myself up. " 10min more. " I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
"was it not you who suggested that I wake you up around this time so you could practice your incantations. "

My mind rushed back which made me get up and run to the bathroom. " thanks for the reminder Sebby." I yelled as I was getting myself ready. For the little experiment I was gonna try.

Short time skip >>

I was in the kitchen grabbed a few ingredients from the pantry. And one of the famous muffins Sebby prepared as a little snack since I needed a little energy to begin with the day and cause I skipped breakfast.

I did it outside since sometimes witch incantations are really dangerous when it comes to making something. I placed them on the table and took out my spell book. I snapped my fingers and made a covin pot appear to get things started.

But as I was reading through the list of ingredients I noticed one that was impossible to find in the human realm. My smile immediately dropped. Ciel and Sebastian noticed and asked me why I suddenly looked down.

"I need one more ingredient. But... "
"but what? " asked Ciel.
"it's not in this world. "
"what is it. " asked Sebastian.
"lufem it's only found in the witch realm."
" oh... Then what are you gonna do? "
" well... I have no choice but to go there and get it myself. "
"I have no choice. I have a friend who has a bag full of it but I need to go there to get it."
" how long will you be gone. "
" only an hour really. "
"An hour?" they asked in unison.
" time moves very fast in witch world. An hour here is a day there."
"oh. So you'll only be gone for a while. "
"Yep. I'll be back before you know it. Or. Do you wanna come with me."
" wait. We can come?"
"Yep. You can even meet my brother. I have a feeling we will see him." 

Before he could say anything I teleported to my room and got everything I needed. And also grabbed Mao mao. Just in case we encounter trouble. I then teleported back to the garden and waited for the two.

"are you coming or what?" I yelled out as I was getting a little impatient. After a while they came back outside and seemed to be ready to go. " ready?" I asked. They nodded.
"good. Mao mao come on. " I said as I was gesturing to my shoulder. He then jumped on. I then walked over to sebby and Ciel and placed me hand on there shoulder. " for all of us to go. I have to be touching you. OK. "
They nodded and then I said a simple thing: "To witch world! " we than teleported to witch world. Which only was three seconds.

In witch world >>

As usual my outfit changes when I get to witch world. Which I totally forgot to mention before teleporting. The seemed to notice after facing me. I almost burst into laughter due to the look on the faces.

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